Agenda - 01-24-2005-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-24-2005
Agenda - 01-24-2005-9a
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10 <br />2. Projections of Facility Usage and Traffic at Twin Creeks <br />The Recreation and Parks Department has undertaken an assessment of anticipated <br />usage for Twin Creeks Park (this includes facilities in all phases). This usage table may <br />be found as Attachment 1, and it includes both a "Maximum Daily Visitors" tally and an <br />"Average In-Season Weekly Visitors" listing. <br />Summing the anticipated usage figures for the fully-built Twin Creeks Park yields an <br />estimate of 4,372 maximum daily visitors, with an average "in-season" weekly visitors <br />rate of 10,956. <br />Attachment 2 contains a memorandum from the Perdita Holtz of the Planning <br />Department on trip generation estimates for Twin Creeks. This memo uses trip <br />generation rates for certain categories of uses from the standard trip generation <br />estimating manual of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). <br />The estimate is for the time of full buildout of the site, and summaries are provided for <br />rates of an elementary school, a middle school, an office building used as a school, <br />another "undesignated" office building, and both a "County" and "Regional" park. <br />Page 2 of the memo provides a summary of average trip generation based on: <br />• An elementary school <br />• A middle school <br />• A 50,000 square foot office building <br />• Average of the two park trip estimates <br />This yields an estimated trips per day of 3,155 average trips for weekdays, with 1,760 <br />on Saturday and 1,508 on Sundays. <br />Water and Sewer Extension - Potential Cost Implications of Redesign <br />Attachment 3 is a memorandum from County Engineer Paul Thames on the potential <br />cost implications for water and sewer extension if the proposed Citizen Plan #3 were <br />pursued The County Engineer has re-evaluated the costs (original estimates by <br />memoranda of 11/1/2000 and 9/23/2004) of providing water and sewer utilities to serve <br />the school/Twin Creeks Park facilities as per the layout shown by the Plan #3 He has <br />determined that location of the park and school sites (on either the northern or <br />southern-most of the County-owned parcels) is essentially immaterial insofar as the <br />total cost (range of $650,000 to $812,500) of extending sewer service to both the park <br />and school sites. This circumstance occurs as a consequence of OWASA's policy of <br />requiring that service extensions cross all the way across properties receiving the service <br />extension In this case, regardless of which use was made of the County's northern and <br />southern parcels, sewer line probably would have to be extended from its current <br />terminus on the northern boundary of the Lake Hogan Farms subdivision to the northern <br />boundary of the County parcels or the Eubanks Road right-of-way. There is, however, a <br />question as to which project might have to bear the greatest share of the overall cost. If <br />the initial phase or phases of park development on the southern and central parcels were
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