Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Orange County Homelessness Roundtable Discussion <br />November 18, 2004 <br />The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints <br />Group A: Ending Homelessness <br />Moderators <br />1. UNC <br />1 Raleigh/Wake Program Example <br />1 IFC - volunteers faith communities in general <br />4. Caring/concerned government bodies <br />5. Input from community leaders and neighborhood leaders <br />6. Family specialists in schools <br />Z OC Continuum of Care - merging with community initiative to end homelessness <br />8. Wealth <br />9. Affordable housing agencies: EmPOWERment, Orange County Housing and <br />Land Trust, Habitat, Women's Center, Board of Realtors, Chamber, Council on <br />Workforce Housing, ( <br />10. Students at UNC, advocacy groups there - more focus and action <br />11. Data - work other communities have done to be strategic - focus on ending <br />homelessness instead of ending poverty <br />a. Website: National Alliance to End Homelessness, Corp for support, local <br />pt in Time Council, NC Coalition to End Homelessness, IFC Collection of <br />data for Orange County and Canhoro <br />12. Continuum of Care collecting data <br />13. Retired people to utilize <br />14. Free Public transportation <br />a. Youth in elementary and secondary schools, scouts, etc. <br />II. BARRIERS <br />1. African American Communities being bought out - "Gentrification" <br />2. Stereotypes alive and well in community- lazy, dangerous, threat, ruining <br />downtown <br />3. Attitudes of wanting to shut them out <br />4. Inconsistent response by town to homelessness - why does town criminalize them <br />- laws against panhandling <br />5. Police Department - a lot is blamed on homeless that they do not do <br />6. Town wants to look as though we have no crime/homelessness <br />7. Hyper-focus on 10-15% of chronically homeless instead of 80% other homeless <br />who are short term <br />8. Lack of sufficient data on the cost of homelessness <br />9. Lack of rental subsidy - rental housing is too expensive <br />10. Hidden homeless - especially women and children SHAME to identifying <br />11. Affordable housing only focused on ownership instead of renting <br />12. Dispassionate understanding of issue is difficult given the stereotypes <br />13. Cost of health care