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2 <br /> <br />Center is one option to be considered. Whether this can expand into the cultural/genealogy 1 <br />center the County has envisioned may also be worth studying. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Margaret Hauth said the Town has an interest in finding a new home for the current 4 <br />museum that is more accessible. She said the Town would like to know if the County may have 5 <br />a more desirable space in the near future, and staff will need direction from both boards as to 6 <br />how to proceed. 7 <br />Town Commissioner Ferguson said she is excited about this collaboration. She said 8 <br />she is inspired by a small museum in Oneonta, Alabama that captures a sense of place like no 9 <br />other to the extent that she has even become a member of this museum. She said this 10 <br />museum partners with the Register of Deeds, leading the county’s efforts for genealogy and 11 <br />historical activities. She said Orange County could have such a museum, if the right location 12 <br />can be found with the right display cases. She said she hopes the County will partner with the 13 <br />Town on this project, as it has great potential and is an important piece of the Town. 14 <br />Commissioner Rich said the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has not 15 <br />discussed this topic in any detail, and asked if County staff could provide some insight about 16 <br />the County’s involvement, and exactly what type of collaboration is needed. 17 <br />Jeff Thompson, Asset Management Services Director, said the staff is talking and 18 <br />sharing ideas at a high level about needs, availabilities, and directions, in which, both the Town 19 <br />and the County are moving. He said this evening provides an opportunity for further discussion. 20 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if there is a vision for what the museum will look like, if there 21 <br />is an end game in mind. 22 <br />Jeff Thompson said there is the heritage exhibit in the Orange County library, and there 23 <br />is the museum in downtown Hillsborough that is in a stressed situation. He said there has been 24 <br />discussion of the merging of these two places somewhere in the vicinity of where they are 25 <br />currently located. He said the discussions revolve around the content inside the building, and 26 <br />the location of the building itself. 27 <br />Chair Dorosin said the County and the Town could collectively decide what this 28 <br />collaboration looks like. 29 <br />Town Commissioner Bell said the strategy map says that the celebration of history is 30 <br />valued in Hillsborough, and a museum is an important part of that conversation. He said the 31 <br />museum is going through a top-to-bottom review of its strategies, and what opportunities may 32 <br />exist. 33 <br />Bonnie Hammersley said she and Commissioner Price toured the museum a while ago, 34 <br />and the condition of the current facility is not good. She said the museum has approached the 35 <br />County seeking to work together. She said staff has reviewed the available County space, but 36 <br />none is available now. She said the question remains whether the Town and the County should 37 <br />continue to partner, or does Hillsborough go off on its own. She said this conversation has been 38 <br />going on for a while. 39 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the museum in Alabama, and clarified that the 40 <br />Register of Deeds is a partner in the process there. 41 <br />Commissioner Ferguson said the Register of Deeds works collaboratively with the 42 <br />museum in Alabama. She said the Probate Judge pays the salary of the docent, and the 43 <br />museum is across the street from the courthouse and the Register of Deeds. She said the 44 <br />museum is very small, but the way it is laid out is different: there are maps, display cases, 45 <br />places to do research and there is an active collaborative relationship with the Register of 46 <br />Deeds, which encourages the genealogy activity, as well as other historical activities. 47 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said Mark Chilton, Orange County Register of Deeds, is an 48 <br />historian, and has just completed a project on slave genealogy. He asked asked if Mark Chilton 49 <br />has been brought into this discussion. 50