Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> <br />buses within the neighborhood. He said feedback has been provided to the developer. He said 1 <br />buses are getting larger, in order to have greater capacity, and the neighborhoods need to 2 <br />accommodate this. He said the schools have worked closely with the developer to identify 3 <br />school bus stops that can be communicated to the neighbors and homeowners, so that children 4 <br />can be safe walking to the stops. He said another concern is the traffic in the area. He said 4 5 <br />buses are anticipated being needed to serve this neighborhood. He said some creativity will be 6 <br />needed to serve this neighborhood. 7 <br /> 8 <br />3. Economic Development 9 <br /> 10 <br />a) Town/County Perspectives on Economic Development 11 <br />(Short/Mid/Long Term Plans and Mutual Objectives) 12 <br /> 13 <br />Margaret Hauth reviewed the following information: 14 <br />The Town does not have an adopted economic development plan or policy. However, the 15 <br />Town has consistently striven to maintain its tax base mix which is roughly 60% residential and 16 <br />40% non-residential. Additionally, the Town Board has been increasingly interested in compact 17 <br />and connected development. The adoption of the Urban Services Boundary was a strong step 18 <br />in that direction and the Town Board has been committed to that boundary. The Town Board 19 <br />has also discouraged three different residential developers with potential projects within the 20 <br />boundary from pursuing requests for utilities or annexation at present as they were still located 21 <br />rather far from the core of town and were therefore less desirable. 22 <br /> 23 <br />The focus of the Town’s economic development planner has been to respond to inquiries for 24 <br />new non-residential space and attempt to match users with available spaces, assist applicants 25 <br />navigating the planning processes, increase visibility of local events, and work with the chamber 26 <br />on growing its membership and serving as a voice for local business. 27 <br /> 28 <br />The County has been working with the Town of Hillsborough on extending utility service to the 29 <br />Hillsborough Economic Development District. As part of the Utility Extension Agreement with 30 <br />the Town, McAdams Engineering has been retained to design the extension of sewer through 31 <br />the northwest to southwest quadrant of I-40 and Old NC 86. The infrastructure also includes a 32 <br />water loop system from Old NC 86 westward to improve water quality, quantity and pressure in 33 <br />the general area. The design is 95% complete with bids and construction later this year. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Mayor Stevens said the Town has tried to maintain a 40% commercial base within the 36 <br />Town. He said the Town has recently added an Economic Development Planner to its staff, 37 <br />and noted that tourism is big for Hillsborough. 38 <br />Travis Myren reviewed the following information: 39 <br /> 40 <br />Orange County Economic Development and Planning, in collaboration with Town of 41 <br />Hillsborough, have also submitted a grant request to the Golden Leaf Foundation for partial 42 <br />funding of the utility extension. More information regarding grant awards is expected in mid-43 <br />April of 2018. 44 <br /> 45 <br />Over the past 12 months, Orange County Economic Development responded to 46 <br />14 separate investment prospect inquiries (light industrial, commercial, hotel, and warehouse) 47 <br />by submitting real estate data on available sites and commercial buildings in the Hillsborough 48 <br />market, to include Settlers Point, and generated 9 actual prospect visits during 2017. Several of 49 <br />these projects remain active. 50