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9 <br /> <br />Commissioner Price said budgets are under stress, but when she sees young people 1 <br />just hanging out in parking lots, she is supportive of having a space for them. 2 <br />Town Commissioner Ferguson echoed this, and said the Town looks at the livability for 3 <br />all of its residents, and teenagers that are bored do not always have a good outcome. She said 4 <br />this facility would have the opportunity to open doors, and helps residents in the long term. 5 <br /> 6 <br />2. Collins Ridge Update (Orange County Schools Transportation Concerns) 7 <br /> 8 <br />Margaret Hauth reviewed the following information: 9 <br />Background: 10 <br />The Town continues to encourage the developer of Collins Ridge to address the concerns 11 <br />raised by Orange County Schools’ transportation staff about bus stops, turning radii, and 12 <br />access to the neighborhood. Clearing of the property has not yet begun. The Town estimates it 13 <br />may be about 18 months before there are residents in the neighborhood. The development will 14 <br />phase over time to comply with erosion control recommendations about limiting the amount of 15 <br />grading. The development has also committed to bus stops for public transit. The Town is 16 <br />available and anxious to discuss these locations with Orange County Transportation staff at the 17 <br />appropriate time. 18 <br /> 19 <br />Margaret Hauth said the developer has committed to public transit access through the 20 <br />neighborhood, and if the Town wants the circulator to run through here, the developer will 21 <br />provide bus stops. 22 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if it will be 18 months before anything starts, or just until 23 <br />building starts. 24 <br />Margaret Hauth said there is a lot of dirt to move, and it will be 18 months before vertical 25 <br />construction begins. 26 <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the effect on Churton Street is known. 27 <br />Margaret Hauth said the goal is to try to balance the site with the dirt, thus keeping it on 28 <br />site, and the developer hopes to have a second point of access. 29 <br />Commissioner Rich asked what happened to the baseball site that was there. 30 <br />Margaret Hauth said that is on the site that the Town owns, where the train station will 31 <br />go, and play will continue until the Town is ready to move forward with the train station. 32 <br />Chair Dorosin clarified that in 18 months construction will begin on the buildings. 33 <br />Margaret Hauth said that is a ballpark timeframe. 34 <br />Chair Dorosin asked if it is known when people will start moving in. 35 <br />Margaret Hauth said the process takes about 6 months. 36 <br />Chair Dorosin said about 2 years in total. 37 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked Bonnie Hammersley if building inspectors are being 38 <br />added in anticipation of this development. 39 <br />Bonnie Hammersley said this change was made in last year’s budget. 40 <br />Margaret Hauth said she gives the chief building inspector an annual projection on 41 <br />building activity. 42 <br />Chair Dorosin referred to the schools, and said the Orange County Schools’ board is 43 <br />feeling frustrated. He asked if there is an expectation of collaboration with the schools. 44 <br />Margaret Hauth said it is her impression that the designers are accommodating the 45 <br />design aspects: the turning radius, where access points and bus stops are, etc. 46 <br />Patrick Abele, Chief Operations Officer for Orange County Schools (OCS), said the 47 <br />schools have been trying to monitor the operations of this development, and safety is of utmost 48 <br />concern. He said on street parking is one concern, and the street widths and sizes are 49 <br />important. He said the turnaround points and phasing may present some difficulties in moving 50