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<br /> <br />In conjunction with these infrastructure improvements, a planned child-friendly “Discovery Trail” <br />with nature and environmental signage would also be added. In addition, ongoing stabilization <br />work of the Blackwood Farmhouse would continue (using existing funds). <br /> <br />Some of these infrastructure features are refinements from the original adopted master plan, <br />and in some cases additional changes are suggested based on these refinements, the <br />relocation of the planned Parks Operations Base, and additional plans and discussions of the <br />past seven years. <br /> <br />Accordingly, the Proposed Revised Master Plan includes the following primary changes or <br />additions: <br /> <br />• Realignment of the planned park entrance drive and parking area to a more site- <br />sensitive, scenic and efficient design; <br />• Addition of the Discovery Trail; <br />• Deletion of the Parks Operations Base and associated yard space; and addition of a <br />small Park Office in its place (pending future decisions on potential new County campus); <br />• Addition of the re-established Blackwood Farm Orchard; <br />• Relocation of the trailhead; <br />• Addition of a disc golf course; <br />• Deletion of a planned northern boundary road and parking areas; <br />• Deletion of the possible Informal Multi-Use Field; <br />• Selection of a preferred amphitheatre site (the original master plan had three options); <br />• Identification of the Agricultural Exhibits and Garden Area; and <br />• Addition of new picnic shelters and restrooms. <br /> <br />Of the additions, refinements and changes detailed above, the only significant change is the <br />proposed creation of a disc golf course, a concept that was discussed in the 2016 and 2017 <br />Capital Investment Plan (CIP) review and discussions, and informally authorized by the Board. <br />The deletion of the Parks Operations Base from this location and its inclusion at a new site is <br />also based on previous Board discussions, and deletion of the planned northern road and <br />parking areas is based on discussions with neighbors whose homes back up to the northern <br />boundary of the park, and the lack of need for these facilities based on the updated design with <br />the disc golf course. <br /> <br />Staff has communicated the Proposed Revised Master Plan to park neighbors who have <br />expressed appreciation for the deletion of the planned road and northernmost parking lot. <br />Adoption of a revised master plan will enable staff to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) <br />for an engineering and design firm to prepare detailed construction documents for the park <br />infrastructure using existing funding. It is recommended that the scope of work for this <br />consultant also include the planned future park construction (Phase 2-B), if current timetables <br />remain in place. Staff anticipates bringing a design/engineering consultant recommendation to <br />the Board for approval by the summer break. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with amending the park Master <br />Plan. This action will enable staff to solicit and propose a recommended consultant for design <br />and engineering later this spring. Funding for both the design and infrastructure improvements <br />in Phase 2-A (and the ongoing farmhouse work) would come from previously-appropriated funds <br />2