Agenda - 03-20-2018 6-a - Blackwood Farm Park – Proposed Revised Master Plan
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-20-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 03-20-2018 6-a - Blackwood Farm Park – Proposed Revised Master Plan
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Last modified
3/16/2018 2:47:40 PM
Creation date
3/16/2018 3:20:29 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation <br />PO Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 245-2510 <br />Fax: (919) 644-3351 <br />animal housing and animal waste disposal on the farm. To introduce beef cattle <br />at Blackwood Farm would require a farmer to move and rotate the cattle off and <br />on the fields. The animals would need to have housing, and an animal waste <br />system would need to be constructed and installed. If there is no local farmer to <br />take on these duties, someone would need to be hired to manage the animals. <br />There is also the potential for cattle and human interaction, which brings public <br />health concerns. In summary, the introduction of beef cattle was found to create <br />significant increases in cost and create the potential for public health issues at <br />the park. Having animals from other locations demonstrated at the park for short <br />periods of time was noted by the staffs as a possible alternative. <br /> <br />Within a few growing seasons, the former hay fields could be put back into grass <br />production with the needed soil amendments (typically, the addition of lime and <br />fertilizer). Agricultural staff feels that this is the most practical use of these fields <br />and one that will reinvigorate the scenic vista on the property. One local farmer <br />has expressed interest in managing the fields for hay if this option is selected, <br />although other farmers would be solicited as well. <br /> <br />Staff remains interested in creating a wildflower meadow and perhaps a <br />“Piedmont Prairie” in a portion of the former fields, both as a pilot project and <br />another park amenity. Information on Piedmont Prairies is provided as <br />Attachment 3. Organizations with strong conservation backgrounds and ethics, <br />such as Duke Forest, Triangle Land Conservancy and the NC Botanical Garden, <br />all use prescribed burns that are carefully managed and well-planned as a forest <br />and field management technique. Staff in the County’s Parks Division have been <br />trained in the proper techniques and the County Forest Ranger has also <br />indicated a willingness to help with a prescribed burn. Staff would propose to <br />begin with a small area on the interior of the park as a pilot project in 2018. <br /> <br />4. Farmhouse Renovations <br /> <br />The historic farmhouse, now known as the Strayhorn-Blackwood House, is a <br />vernacular frame dwelling built in 1827, enlarged in 1840 and again ca. 1910. It <br />has a present floor area of approximately 1,800 square feet of heated space on <br />two floors. The house is currently in stable condition but has undergone <br />numerous exterior and interior alterations between the 1950s and 1980s that <br />have marred its historic character. Significant work is now required to prevent <br />deterioration that will be costly to repair in the future. Existing mechanical and <br />electrical systems are outdated and inadequate. <br /> <br />Staff has assessed the structure and developed an RFQ to restore the house to <br />return the exterior and interior appearance to the period of about 1920-1930. <br />Current plans call for it to be used as a historic house museum and history <br />exhibit facility, to complement the numerous historic farm buildings restored <br />between 2007 and 2010. Proposals will be obtained from qualified architectural <br />11
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