OCPB minutes 121817
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 121817
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:33:33 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 5:20:32 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 121817
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Approved 1/10/2018 <br /> <br />gets a TIA, and let the developer look for a long-term second access. Lydia Wegman said she concurred with that 385 <br />statement. 386 <br /> 387 <br />Craig Benedict said he would be meeting on Thursday with the two new board members on this project. He will talk 388 <br />about the traffic impact analysis with them. There are about 14 improvements. It’s going to be important for the 389 <br />general public and elected officials to understand them. 390 <br /> 391 <br />Michael Harvey said in conclusion, there were requested revisions of the concept plan. He reminded everyone they 392 <br />don’t have a project yet. This is to provide an idea of where buildings and stormwater features would go. The county 393 <br />commissioners suggested a tree survey be done. A detailed tree survey is not possible in the timeframe given to the 394 <br />applicant. Staff will work with the developers. 395 <br /> 396 <br />Michael Harvey said the developer has provided a better buffer plan. He thinks there is a greater comfort level and 397 <br />the Planning Board will look at this again in January. Orange County has one of the most restrictive buffer programs 398 <br />in the state for streams and wetlands. These developers have said they will comply with all those requirements. For 399 <br />us, the buffer program is very established. 400 <br /> 401 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed there was some concern about outdoor lighting and on Page 16, staff has provided 402 <br />information on the county’s current outdoor lighting standards. Because we are a community that requires full cut-off 403 <br />fixtures, you are not going to see some of the light pollution you see in other communities, especially as seen at 404 <br />Hampton Pointe. There were still be some glow. The applicant has looked into the viability of turning off some lights 405 <br />at night but the developer has said some lights have to be left on to secure the property. There will be some 406 <br />measures to buffer the lighting. He said the ordinance addresses light glare and light overpass. 407 <br /> 408 <br />Kim Piracci wanted confirmation that Michael Harvey did say in Orange County the lights have to be full cut-off. Craig 409 <br />Benedict confirmed and answered that change was made about 10 or 12 years ago. You want some lighting out 410 <br />there for the safety and comfort of the business and the patrons. 411 <br /> 412 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if this would be coming back in January. Michael Harvey said he will have a more formal 413 <br />response from the applicant in January. He noted this does not seem to be a concern of the board. 414 <br /> 415 <br />Michael Harvey said on Page 17, there is the condition addressing retail space. The Town of Hillsborough has 416 <br />expressed concern about retail and its effect on redevelopment in town and recommended limiting retail to 20 417 <br />percent. He said the applicant has suggested limiting retail to 30 percent, not to exceed 78,540 square feet. He 418 <br />shared the staff response, which includes that staff believes Orange County is blessed to have two interstates in the 419 <br />general area. The county doesn’t think retail should be limited. Michael Harvey said there is sufficient travel trips 420 <br />above the Interstate 40 and Interstate 85 areas to support two distinct travel nodes in this area. The joint planning 421 <br />land use plan as adopted by the town and county agrees that retail is viable in this area. The county staff encourages 422 <br />the town to support the 30 percent limit on retail. 423 <br /> 424 <br />David Blankfard asked if the developer wants more than 30 percent. Jim Parker said no, 78,540 square feet is 425 <br />reasonable for this area. He said it is aggressive but doable. He said as Michael Harvey said, this is an interstate 426 <br />market. There is another interstate market closer to town that may or may not end up being an interstate market. It 427 <br />may end up being more conducive to something else. This is a drop in the bucket compared with that one. 428 <br /> 429 <br />Craig Benedict said Walmart’s and Targets are 130,000 square feet, so we’re not talking about big-box retail. He said 430 <br />if we get to 900,000 square feet of office and warehouse and industrial, you want supportive retail so people can 431 <br />shop and eat in that area. The market for this retail is two-fold. One is the interstate market, plus the internal capture 432 <br />of the development of the other employment whether it’s warehouse or hotel. 433 <br /> 434 <br />Hunter Spitzer asked if combined retail is stores and restaurants. Craig Benedict answered affirmatively, adding there 435 <br />is potential for maybe dry cleaning, barbers, hair salons, and restaurants. 436 <br /> 437 <br />Lydia Wegman said 30 percent makes sense. Tony Blake agreed. 438 <br /> 439
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