OCPB minutes 100417
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 100417
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:33:48 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 5:18:50 PM
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 100417
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2017
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Approved 11/01/2017 <br /> <br />9 <br />Michael Harvey reminded the Board that Item 8 was pulled from the agenda. Staff is not going to going to be 422 <br />reviewing Future Land Use or Zoning Atlas amendments for properties south of Interstate 40. Per his emails to the 423 <br />Board, that discussion will have impacts on Agenda Item 9. 424 <br /> 425 AGENDA ITEM 9: MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – SETTLER’S POINT - To make a recommendation to 426 <br />the BOCC on an application for an MPD-CZ (Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning). 427 <br />The proposed project encompasses 272 acres in and adjacent to the Hillsborough Economic 428 <br />Development District (EDD) south of Interstate 40 on both sides of Old Highway 86. This item 429 <br />is scheduled for the November 2017 quarterly public hearing. 430 <br />PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 431 <br /> 432 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the presentation. He guided the Board through the additional materials Staff passed out, 433 <br />including a replacement page for the recommendation (page 259), a revised Attachment 7 which is the ordinance 434 <br />amendment to the Orange County Zoning Atlas for this project. Mr. Harvey said that Staff has received a Zoning 435 <br />Atlas amendment that proposes a rezoning of 20 parcels of property, approximately 272 acres of land south of 436 <br />Interstate 40 through a Master Plan Conditional Zoning designation. Mr. Harvey showed visually the area which 437 <br />located both within Economic Development Transition and Rural Residential (R-1) (shown visually), and within urban-438 <br />designated and rural-designated within the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Harvey said that Staff recommends that 439 <br />the review of District 3 (properties 10-20) be tabled for this discussion this evening, reason being that this area 440 <br />containing said 10 parcels of property is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the way that a Master Plan 441 <br />Development isreviewed. This area is not in a land use classification that will allow the review of this project. Mr. 442 <br />Harvey continued with the presentation and discussed the rezoning of the subject parcels of property from Economic 443 <br />Development – Hillsborough 2 (EDH-2), Economic Development – Hillsborough Office/Retail (EDH-4), Economic 444 <br />Development – Hillsborough Research and Manufacturing (EDH-5) to Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning 445 <br />(MPD-CZ). He also noted that there are portions of the property within the Special Flood Hazard Area District 446 <br />Overlay, and until the Overlay is eliminated, it has to be referenced. District 1 is intended to allow for research and 447 <br />manufacturing land uses (see revised Attachment 7, page 307). The first parcel of property is 148 acres (see 448 <br />breakdown of each Parcel Identification Number in packet) of land to be rezoned to allow for research, manufacturing 449 <br />and industrial land uses. It is west of Old NC 86, south of the interstate, and is currently accessed via a service road. 450 <br />As noted, these properties are located with an economic development transition area, according to the Future Land 451 <br />Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan, allowing for the MPD-CZ. District 2 encompasses 10 total parcels covering 47 452 <br />acres in area; it is intended to be commercially-zoned. It is located east of Old NC 86, south of interstate, and is 453 <br />currently accessible via Old NC 86. It is also located within an economic development transition area which allows for 454 <br />a MPD-CZ. The intended land uses include office, retail, service operation, hotels, restaurants, etc. He reminded the 455 <br />Board that District 3 is not being discussed at this meeting. Mr. Harvey briefly reviewed the MPD-CZ rezoning 456 <br />process wherein Staff reviews the proposed plan which, being different than a Special Use Permit, does not require 457 <br />sworn testimony as part of the application. The schedule of review of this project started with a Neighborhood 458 <br />Information Meeting (NIM) on the September 14, 2017 per the UDO. The developer held its own neighborhood 459 <br />meetings without Planning Staff for adjacent property owners. The second action in the review process is for the 460 <br />Planning Board to make a recommendation and then the project will go before a public hearing, which if 461 <br />recommended, will go to the upcoming November 14, 2017 Quarterly Public Hearing. Per Section 2.9.2 (F) (3) of the 462 <br />UDO, mutually-agreed-upon conditions can be imposed, addressed compatibility with the proposed development with 463 <br />surrounding property, and proposed development of support facilities and other matters the County may find 464 <br />appropriate, and the petitioner may propose. The applicant and Staff have created conditions through this 465 <br />mechanism. If approved, the Zoning Atlas would be modified to change the 10 properties identified to MPD-CZ, 466 <br />allowing for the development of the Settler’s Point project. Mr. Harvey said that the development of individual land 467 <br />uses will be handled by Staff (i.e. reviewing site plans for permissible uses) but there will be no additional Board 468 <br />review. This proposal would establish a zoning district and development will be accordance with the UDO along with 469 <br />any specified condition articulated in Attachment 7 that the developer has asked to be imposed. 470 <br /> 471 <br />Tony Blake asked if there would be special uses. 472 <br /> 473
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