OCPB minutes 100417
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 100417
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:33:48 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 5:18:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 100417
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2017
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Approved 11/01/2017 <br /> <br />4 <br /> 160 <br />Michael Harvey responded that yes, Staff is eliminating the Overlay District which is a Zoning Atlas amendment. By 161 <br />definition, Staff is required to notify people within set distances; placards were also posted to property owners within 162 <br />1,000 feet of the Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District regarding the elimination of the Overlay District. There 163 <br />have been lots of questions regarding the notification system being a proper use of County tax dollars. In response to 164 <br />this, Mr. Harvey said that the UDO, as adopted by the elected officials, obligates him to follow the guidelines 165 <br />explicitly. He also noted that the same notification process is required for the upcoming public hearing with the 166 <br />BOCC. 167 <br /> 168 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if Mr. Harvey was talking about the November 14th Quarterly Public Hearing. 169 <br /> 170 <br />Michael Harvey answered that he was and that just last night, the BOCC confirmed that this item would be 171 <br />discussed. Mr. Harvey continued with his presentation. He said that the Planning Department’s website includes a 172 <br />factsheet, links to the NC Flood Risk Information System which can give property owners an understanding of where 173 <br />there properly lies within the existing and preliminary floodplain maps based on floodplain data. Even with the 174 <br />elimination of the Overlay District, the department will be maintaining floodplain data on the County webpage for easy 175 <br />access for residents and Staff. Mr. Harvey encourages residents to meet with Staff to review the various services 176 <br />offered as part of the County’s flood management program. Mr. Harvey read over the components of the factsheet. 177 <br />He noted that one question answered in an updated version of the factsheet is if the County can update a FIRM to 178 <br />take a property out of the floodplain, and the answer is no, it cannot. However, an individual can petition FEMA to 179 <br />make this change, and Staff has included information on how this can be done via a link on the factsheet. The 180 <br />Planning Department can provide assistance to individuals going through this process but only on a basic level. Next, 181 <br />Mr. Harvey showed a visual of the Flood Risk Information System (FRIS) maps and guided the Board and other 182 <br />meeting attendees through how to find the maps by address using online tools. Staff can work with property owners 183 <br />who visit the Planning Department on accessing these online maps and related information. Mr. Harvey said that the 184 <br />Planning Director recommends that the Board review the proposed amendments, deliberate, and make a 185 <br />recommendation to the BOCC on the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 3), the amendment to the Zoning Atlas 186 <br />to eliminate the Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District (Attachment 4), Statement of Consistency for the 187 <br />proposed UDO text amendments (Attachment 5), and the actual proposed UDO text amendments (Attachment 6). He 188 <br />asked if there were any questions. 189 <br /> 190 <br />Tony Blake asked if, in a nutshell, the County wants to get out of the business of being between FEMA and the 191 <br />property owner. 192 <br /> 193 <br />Michael Harvey responded that the County is always in this position because the County is in the role of local 194 <br />floodplain administrator and it is the County’s job to help individuals understand what they can and cannot do within a 195 <br />floodplain, and how to navigate through FEMA. He said that the County is getting out of the business of is no longer 196 <br />maintaining multiple data sources that could be seen as conflicting with official FEMA data and could potentially put 197 <br />the County in jeopardy if someone argued that the County is not using the appropriate flood map. 198 <br /> 199 <br />Paul Guthrie said that some time ago, he received a letter from his insurance agency saying that his property was in 200 <br />a floodplain district and he needed to get a floodplain insurance policy. He was concerned about the communication 201 <br />from the insurance organization since he did not consider his property to be located within a floodplain. He asked if 202 <br />there is anyone to get word out to residents that communications from insurance agencies may not be based on 203 <br />FEMA floodplain determinations. He thought that a property owner might reach out to FEMA to find out the most 204 <br />accurate information. 205 <br /> 206 <br />Michael Harvey agreed with Mr. Guthrie that a property owner should reach out to FEMA to verify information from a 207 <br />non-government entity claiming that property is in a floodplain. Property owners can call the Planning Department for 208 <br />an immediate answer as to whether or not their property is located within a floodplain. Staff provides a document 209 <br />called a Site Assessment denoting a property’s development opportunities and constraints, including information on 210 <br />floodplain on a parcel of property. If a property is located within the floodplain, Staff will provide information regarding 211 <br />applicable regulations. Mr. Harvey noted that the Planning Department can only provide accurate floodplain 212
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