Orange County NC Website
Approved 11/01/2017 <br /> <br />11 <br />detail how the area would be disturbed, setting-up reviews in the site plan approval process. The developer provided 527 <br />illustrations of buffers for proposed parking lots in front of buildings (see narrative section). Standards for allowable 528 <br />architectural materials have been met. Transportation impact plans comply with the regulations outlined in 6.10 of the 529 <br />UDO. Specifically, external roadway improvements will meet NCDOT requirements; internal roadways will be public; 530 <br />sidewalks and bicycle lanes will be developed; and 4 bus pullouts and transit shelters will be constructed to serve the 531 <br />project. By design as outlined in the developer’s conditions, no structure or building erected will be outside the 532 <br />recommended distance to a transit stops to ensure accessibility. Staff is very supportive of this. 533 <br /> 534 <br />Tony Blake asked if building heights and setbacks are included in the plans. He asked if they are following a form-535 <br />based code. 536 <br /> 537 <br />Michael Harvey replied that setbacks and building heights are included and said that the project is not being 538 <br />proposed within a fully-functioning form-based code. 539 <br /> 540 <br />Paul Guthrie asked if there is consideration of the expansion of Interstate 40, especially in relation to planning going 541 <br />on adjacent to the right-of-way. 542 <br /> 543 <br />Michael Harvey answered that even though Interstate 40 will be expanded in the future, Staff can only plan in the 544 <br />now as Interstate 40 exists. If NCDOT secures additional right-of-way, the buffers, setbacks and other details will be 545 <br />affected, but until this time, people cannot be denied reasonable development opportunities on their property. Mr. 546 <br />Harvey said he is unsure of the time horizon on the expansion and NCDOT is still working out the details. 547 <br /> 548 <br />Paul Guthrie replied that he asked the question because he suspects that NCDOT can do expansion within the 549 <br />proposed plan MPD-CZ without a problem, but some of the ramps may require more property. 550 <br /> 551 <br />Michael Harvey said in response that the TIAs will help with the integration of these plans over time. The developer 552 <br />can only be consistent with NCDOT comment, and Mr. Edwards with NCDOT has not indicated anything about a 553 <br />large-scale exit ramp reconfiguration yet. 554 <br /> 555 <br />Paul Guthrie said that he had seen a map of long-term expansion. 556 <br /> 557 <br />Michael Harvey replied that it is a good idea to keep the interstate expansion in mind. Mr. Harvey redirected the 558 <br />discussion to land uses. In District 1, an abbreviated list of land uses includes computer and electronic 559 <br />manufacturing, pharmaceutical research manufacturing, metal production manufacturing, furniture man, food and 560 <br />beverage bottling manufacturing, research facilities, etc. In District 2, commercial services could include retail, 561 <br />professional office, restaurant, recreational land use, health services, hotel and motels, and gas stations. The 562 <br />applicant asked if an elementary-secondary level school could be allowed as part of this project. Staff does not have 563 <br />an objection to the use, just to the use of it by right. The development of a school would be required to go through the 564 <br />Special Use Permit process, just as any proposed school would have to go through. 565 <br /> 566 <br />Tony Blake asked if the plan provides for fire services and the like. 567 <br /> 568 <br />Michael Harvey responded that it does and that government services (inclusive of protective services) are permitted 569 <br />in every district. 570 <br /> 571 <br />Tony Blake said that he knows that they are permitted, but does the development plan take into account the 572 <br />additional resources needed? Building height would affect the fire department. 573 <br /> 574 <br />Michael Harvey said that the Orange County Fire Marshal serves on the Planning Department’s advisory committee 575 <br />and will be reviewing all site plans . With respect to Mr. Blake’s question, he noted that there is a condition that 576 <br />requires the County Fire Marshal and the Town of Hillsborough’s Fire Marshal, in consultation with the Utility Director 577 <br />of the Town of Hillsborough, to approve road layout at construction, location of fire lanes, location of fire hydrants and 578 <br />location of proposed standpipes. There will also have to be float tests required. 579