Orange County NC Website
Approved 1/4/2017 <br /> <br />10 <br />Perdita Holtz: The Planning Board gets notified for major sub division projects and Class A SUP’s, because that’s 477 <br />the stuff that you guys have something to do with. There are also NIM’s for Class B SUP’s, which the BOA handles 478 <br />and the Planning Board doesn’t get notified for those because you don’t have anything to do with Class B SUPs. So 479 <br />I think that there has been a little bit of confusion about what the Planning Board… 480 <br /> 481 <br />Michael Harvey: Any time there’s a SUP we just send a general heads up to the Planning Board and County 482 <br />Commissioners. We don’t send it to the BOA as detailed as you all get because technically we could be accused of 483 <br />trying to influence the jury as it were. We let them know that a case has been submitted and they’ll be getting a 484 <br />meeting. So we walk that fine line and since you all have been disconnected from the public hearing process we 485 <br />also don’t have the same concern about sharing information with you on a SUP. 486 <br /> 487 <br />Perdita Holtz: And it has to do with the Planning Board meeting not being an official public hearing for the Class A 488 <br />SUPs so that’s where that comes into play. 489 <br /> 490 <br />Paul Guthrie: What’s the Planning Board’s jurisdiction relative to cell towers? 491 <br /> 492 <br />Michael Harvey: You are a review body that makes a recommendation on what class of telecommunication facility 493 <br />that’s the Class A SUP 200 feet or taller. But the County Commissioners are the ultimate review and approval 494 <br />authority under 199 feet. That was a decision made by the Elected Officials. 495 <br /> 496 <br />AGENDA ITEM 9: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS 497 <br /> 498 <br />a) Board of Adjustment 499 <br />b) Orange Unified Transportation 500 <br /> 501 <br />AGENDA ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT 502 503 <br />Planning Board meeting was adjourned by consensus. 504 <br /> 505 <br /> 506 <br /> <br /> ____________________________________ <br /> Lydia Wegman, Chair <br />