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Approved 11/4/15 <br /> <br />6 <br /> 265 <br />Herman Staats: If I remember at our joint meeting the BOCC was saying that if there was a case that came up and 266 <br />there was a lot of discussion or disagreement they had the opportunity to send it back to us for more discussion. 267 <br /> 268 <br />Perdita Holtz: The BOCC does have the discretion to send legislative items back to the Planning Board as needed. 269 <br /> 270 <br />Herman Staats: Is it possible that our recommendation to the BOCC was that we would like to defer our 271 <br />recommendation to after the public hearing? 272 <br /> 273 <br />Perdita Holtz: Depending on what the recommendation is. The recommendation can be for the Planning Board to be 274 <br />given an extended amount of time to consider the manner, but you can’t say you have to send it back to us. 275 <br /> 276 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Are there any other items in the proposal that people would like to discuss? If there aren’t then the 277 <br />next step here is to make a recommendation on the statement of consistency. 278 <br /> 279 <br />MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to recommend approval of the statement of consistency. Buddy Hartley seconded. 280 <br />VOTE: 9 – 2 (Tony Blake and Lydia Wegman opposed) 281 <br /> 282 <br />Tony Blake: If we are going to be part of the process and bound by the rules of quasi-judicial and ex parte 283 <br />communication then we should be required to attend and that is the part that I find inconsistent. 284 <br /> 285 <br />Lydia Wegman: I feel that the Planning Board should be making its recommendation following the public hearing 286 <br />because I am concerned with the Planning Board not hearing all the evidence that will go before the BOCC. I am 287 <br />pleased to know the BOCC has the discretion to send something back to the Planning Board. In my perspective I 288 <br />would prefer to have the guarantee for the opportunity of the Planning Board to consider an item after the public 289 <br />hearing when I am confident all the evidence has been presented whereas I do not feel confident that is the case if 290 <br />the Planning Board makes it recommendation prior to the BOCC meeting. Consistent with that my preference would 291 <br />be if we continued to make our recommendation after the County Commissioners meeting that a quorum should be 292 <br />required or the Board attest to hearing the BOCC public hearing so there is certification that the Planning Board is 293 <br />knowledgeable about the evidence presented. The idea of having a preliminary Planning Board recommendation and 294 <br />a subsequent or final Planning Board recommendation following the BOCC meeting is also one that makes sense to 295 <br />me. 296 <br /> 297 <br />MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to approve the amendment package on pages 62 to 98 with amendments to page 92 298 <br />regarding the expectations of Planning Board members regarding the quarterly public hearing and adding notice of 299 <br />the public hearing to the outside of the mailing envelopes. James Lea seconded. 300 <br />VOTE: 9 – 2 (Tony Blake and Lydia Wegman opposed) 301 <br /> 302 <br />Tony Blake: Same reasons, I believe it should be a requirement to be at the quarterly public hearing if we are bound 303 <br />by the process. 304 <br /> 305 <br />Lydia Wegman: Same concerns I expressed previously. 306 <br /> 307 <br />AGENDA ITEM 10: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT - To make a recommendation 308 <br />on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO regarding recreational land 309 <br />uses, including shooting ranges. This item was heard at the September 8, 2015 quarterly 310 <br />public hearing. 311 <br /> 312 <br /> Presenter: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 313 <br /> 314 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the abstract. 315 <br /> 316