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Approved 11/4/15 <br /> <br />4 <br />Tom Heffner: Correct. The septic has already been abandoned and the well will be capped. Both of these are from an 159 <br />existing home which will need to be removed. 160 <br /> 161 <br />MOTION made by Buddy Hartley to recommend approval of the preliminary plat. Lisa Stuckey seconded. 162 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 163 <br /> 164 <br />AGENDA ITEM 9: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT - To make a recommendation 165 <br />on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO to revise the existing public 166 <br />hearing process for Comprehensive Plan-, UDO-, and Zoning Atlas-related 167 <br />items/amendments. This item was heard at the September 8, 2015 quarterly public 168 <br />hearing. 169 <br /> 170 <br />Presenter: Perdita Holtz, Planning Systems Coordinator 171 <br /> 172 <br />Perdita Holtz reviewed the abstract. 173 <br /> 174 <br />Perdita Holtz: As a result of questions asked at the public hearing by the BOCC and Planning Board there have been 175 <br />a couple of changes made to the version presented at the public hearing. These changes are shown in orange text in 176 <br />the agenda package. 177 <br /> 178 <br />Paul Guthrie: How are you going to legally document that you have mailed the notices? 179 <br /> 180 <br />Perdita Holtz: The person that does the mailings in the department does a certification of mailing. State statutes do 181 <br />not require certified mail. 182 <br /> 183 <br />Perdita Holtz: The BOCC asked for the Planning Board to provide input on whether you think a quorum of Planning 184 <br />Board members is necessary to hold a public hearing or if the proposal should stay as it is stating the Planning Board 185 <br />is expected to attend the quarterly public hearing, but a quorum is not necessary in order to have the public hearing. 186 <br /> 187 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: What does everyone think about whether or not Planning Board members should be required to 188 <br />attend? I am inclined to go around the room and allow everyone to comment. 189 <br /> 190 <br />Laura Nicholson: A quorum is important. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: When you say a quorum is important, that means you do want it to be a joint meeting where the 193 <br />Planning Board members are required to be there and therefore you have to have a quorum. 194 <br /> 195 <br />Laura Nicholson: That is my opinion. I think if you have that and make it clear then it should not be a problem. 196 <br /> 197 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: I am sort of leaning both ways, but I feel sometimes rushed to make it to a meeting in order to not 198 <br />hold it up or be the reason the meeting can’t go forward. I would still come to the meetings because I agree they are 199 <br />important for us to make decisions. 200 <br /> 201 <br />Buddy Hartley: I don’t think a quorum is necessary. 202 <br /> 203 <br />Paul Guthrie: I’m torn. The quorum is probably a good idea for the educational benefit for this group. The reason I 204 <br />support a quorum is because we need to be engaged in some of the items that come through. My other thought is we 205 <br />need a better idea defining what a quorum is. If four people were legitimately ill, this could set back a whole process 206 <br />for months. I would support a quorum, but would like some discussion with legal counsel how you calculate the 207 <br />quorum if some event occurs. 208 <br /> 209 <br />James Lea: I personally do not think a quorum is necessary. 210 <br /> 211