OCPB minutes 070214
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 070214
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:42:42 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 5:00:22 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 070214
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2014
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Approved 9/3/14 <br />4 <br /> 163 <br />Craig Benedict: We are trying to get our emergency service units out in the community. We are trying to use those 164 <br />community nodes as possible park and ride lots. 165 <br /> 166 <br />Marabeth Carr: We have our future Northeast District Park that has been set aside for a fire and EMS station. 167 <br /> 168 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: The trails are a very popular item. When the Mountain to the Sea Trail came along, there was talk 169 <br />about trying to get connections on McGowan Creek. Some of the issues will have to be waited on until some of 170 <br />these people go away. If you look at other parts of the country, if you have a property that is close to a trail, its value 171 <br />goes up. This was something that I could not convince people that this was the case. There is a huge difference in 172 <br />the attitude of rural verses urban and most of my observations are from the rural perspective. If you have a local 173 <br />group running something it gets more acceptance. 174 <br /> 175 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: If you live in rural areas, you have to have a car to get there. Part of this rural versus urban, if you 176 <br />were to tell someone from Chapel Hill that we are going to make this great park with 700 or 1,000 parking spaces, 177 <br />people would say, “what”. 178 <br /> 179 <br />Tony Blake: I noticed a mention in this plan about some Duke land toward Bingham Township. 180 <br /> 181 <br />Marabeth Carr: We work with Duke and we have first refusal on anything they are willing to sell. We are in the 182 <br />process of developing the Hollow Rock access area. We have just received at $250,000 grant to build a park area. 183 <br />Duke Forest was involved in the planning but they didn’t want us to tie directly to them because officially they are not 184 <br />in the trail business. 185 <br /> 186 <br />Paul Guthrie: On page 69, your survey results strongly agree, strongly disagree, and don’t know, I think you should 187 <br />pay a lot of attention to the “don’t know” column. They may point a location where there is a lack of knowledge in the 188 <br />community. 189 <br /> 190 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: I can see people saying that I don’t know what a county facility is. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Bryant Warren: There is one community center I have talked to is the one in Mebane. I ask them how they got it. 193 <br />They have a lot of support from the businesses. The Efland Ruritan Club is doing a great job. 194 <br /> 195 <br />Marabeth Carr: Riverwalk was able to get part of grant money. Part recreation/trust fund money that the state gives 196 <br />out has gone to facilities promoting the Mountains to Sea Trail. 197 <br /> 198 <br />Marabeth Carr: Please email us if you have any additional comments. 199 <br /> 200 AGENDA ITEM 8: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS: 201 <br />a. Board of Adjustment 202 <br /> 203 AGENDA ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT: 204 205 MOTION by Bryant Warren to adjourn. Seconded by Tony Blake. 206 VOTE: UNANIMOUS 207 <br /> 208 <br /> 209 <br /> <br /> <br /> ___________________________________ <br /> Pete Hallenbeck, Chair
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