Orange County NC Website
Orange County, North Carolina <br />Consultant Services: Five-year Consolidated Plan and Comprehensive Housing Strategy <br />iii. Timeframe <br />TDA will provide the Comprehensive Housing Strategy to Orange County Representatives by <br />the end of June, 2005. <br />IV. Generalized Timeline <br />TDA is prepared to commence full operations upon notification of the award. If selected, we <br />would propose the following schedule: <br />• Initial meeting with County representatives-within two weeks of contract award <br />• Update citizen participation plan, if necessary, and publish notice of public hearing and <br />public information meetings-within one week of initial meeting <br />• Hold initial public hearing and public information meetings-within two to three weeks <br />of notice <br />• Meet with consolidated plan advisory group-two meetings within 30 days of contract <br />award <br />• Prepare housing market analysis and needs assessment-within 30 to 45 days of contract <br />award <br />• Prepare strategic plan and develop neighborhood revitalization strategy -within two <br />weeks of approved housing market analysis and needs assessment <br />• Prepare annual action plan- within two weeks of approved strategic plan <br />• Prepare consolidated plan- within two weeks of approved annual action plan <br />• Publish notice of public hearing-no later than April 20, 2005 <br />• Incorporate responses to public comments-April 26 to April 30, 2005 <br />• Hold final public hearing-no later than May 4, 2005 <br />• Submit consolidated plan to MUD-no later than May 15, 2005 <br />Training & Development Associates, Inc. (12/13/2004) Page 7