OCPB minutes 010814
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 010814
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:44:21 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:58:30 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 010814
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2014
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Approved 2/5/14 <br />4 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: So does this get back to your $90 concern then? 163 <br /> 164 <br />Paul Guthrie: That’s one of them but it’s much more delicate than that. 165 <br /> 166 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: My second comment on this is on the minor home occupation, the 750 sq. ft. limit is interesting, it 167 <br />takes me out of the game for the sq. footage I have in my house. It takes room to have a machine shop and test 168 <br />benches and rooms for parts and electronics and I don’t think how much of your home you use is something that 169 <br />impacts your neighbors. However, I’ll also point out that as an ordinance it is pretty nice because if that really 170 <br />bothered me I could apply for a major home occupation and there is a mechanism to do that. That brings me to my 171 <br />last comments and I can’t remember an ordinance that had so many lines in the sand that were being discussed. 172 <br />We talked about sq. footage, number of trips, setbacks, what activity you can do, number of visits, size of vehicles, 173 <br />and it is quite extraordinary for this Board to deliberate something that has so many different thresholds and lines in 174 <br />the sand. I think it makes it a very difficult thing to discuss. Those are all my comments. Doesn’t anybody have 175 <br />anything thing else to add? 176 <br /> 177 <br /> 178 MOTION by Tony Blake to recommend to the County Commissioners to accept this recommendation with comments. 179 <br />Seconded by James Lea. 180 VOTE: PASSED 7-1 (Guthrie opposed) 181 <br /> 182 <br />Paul Guthrie: I believe that with this ordinance we are moving into an area that we are not prepared to deal with and 183 <br />I think that while the intention is good, if you read the language carefully, especially when you start picking up the 184 <br />UDO and reading the references, that it exposes the County to some great difficulty, that’s point one. Point two, due 185 <br />to the current economic situation, the more and more independent, small businesses erupting whether they start in 186 <br />the garage in California and become a billion dollar corporation or whether they start in a garage in Orange County 187 <br />and become a fifty thousand dollar organization, this can and may, if not administered in a very careful way, be an 188 <br />inhibition to economic development and to small business. I would much prefer to see the County develop a small 189 <br />business license system using some of these definitions than to smuggle it through under a regulation of the use of 190 <br />an individual residential property. With my own experience, two different enterprises in our family, one which falls 191 <br />under this and one which does not, I would vote no. 192 <br /> 193 <br /> 194 AGENDA ITEM 9: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS 195 <br /> 196 <br />a) Board of Adjustment 197 <br />b) Orange Unified Transportation 198 <br /> 199 <br /> 200 AGENDA ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT 201 202 <br />Planning Board meeting was adjourned by consensus. 203 <br /> 204 <br /> 205 <br /> <br /> ____________________________________ <br /> Pete Hallenbeck, Chair <br />
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