OCPB minutes 100213
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB minutes 100213
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Last modified
3/26/2018 9:45:13 AM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:56:57 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OCPB agenda 100213
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2013
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Approved 11/6/13 <br />4 <br /> 163 <br />Tony Blake: There are costs for the volunteers to do this. 164 <br /> 165 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: The volunteer fire departments are run by volunteers and it is about a $3,000.00 cost. The county is 166 <br />requiring these neighborhoods to have these meetings. 167 <br /> 168 <br />Michael Harvey: The issue is cost, resources, feelings that the meetings are unnecessary. 169 <br /> 170 <br />Tony Blake: We didn’t plan for this cost. 171 <br /> 172 <br />Paul Guthrie: One thing I mentioned is that once you established precedence in this area, the definition of governmental 173 <br />uses in terms of projects, are there ways to do that communication without sending out thousands of letters. 174 <br /> 175 MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to approve. Maxecine Mitchell seconded. 176 <br />VOTE: 7:1 (Tony Blake) 177 <br /> 178 <br />Tony Blake: I think the certified mailings should be left out and we should identify the affected property owners and not just 179 <br />the ones within 500 feet. 180 <br /> 181 Agenda Item 10: Eno Economic Development District (EDD) Access Management Plan – To make a 182 <br />recommendation to the BOCC on a proposed access management plan for the Eno Economic 183 <br />Development District (EDD). The proposed access management plan involves approximately 980 184 <br />acres of land in the vicinity of US Highway 70 and Old Highway 10 (near Durham County). This item 185 <br />was heard at the September 9, 2013 quarterly public hearing. 186 Presenter: Abigaile Pittman, Transportation/Land Use Planner 187 188 <br />Abigaile Pittman: (Reviewed abstract). At the quarterly public hearing several comments were collected and this is what we 189 <br />came away with, that we need to prepare a summary of access management planning 101 to help educate residents and we 190 <br />have given you some of that in these initial slides. There was some confusion over the relationship to recent zoning and 191 <br />land use changes in the Eno EDD. Staff was asked to look at protections that could be applied on Old NC Highway 10 and 192 <br />St. Mary’s Road was mentioned as an example. A petition was submitted by a group of citizens and it is one of your 193 <br />handouts. We have mapped the addresses of the people who have signed it. Some petitioners have voiced their concerns 194 <br />related to overall previously approved development plans, the zoning and future land use maps, water and sewer extension 195 <br />plans, etc. and not so much the access management plan. They don’t like the zoning that is there. As a follow-up, based on 196 <br />County Commissioners’ and public comments, staff has begun researching protections that may be put into place to 197 <br />preserve the character of Old NC Highway 10 including previous protections pursued for St. Mary’s Road, secondary view 198 <br />shed regulations, scenic corridor overlay regulations, scenic byway regulations, and scenic conservation easements. Staff is 199 <br />recommending the following revisions to the plan based on comments: on page 4 and page 21 of the plan, to rephrase 200 <br />language regarding bike lanes to state that NCDOT has striped the pavement two feet from the shoulder of Old NC Highway 201 <br />10 for bicycles, and on page 26 of the plan which is the concept map, to remove the simple symbol for possible commuter 202 <br />rail transit stop from the map and legend and revise the legend for signalized intersections to indicate that it means existing 203 <br />signalized intersections. The staff recommendation is that the Planning Board review the plan and provide its 204 <br />recommendation to the BOCC and the Board could also include the request that staff continue its research on protections 205 <br />for St. Mary’s Road and report back to the BOCC. 206 <br /> 207 <br />Herman Staats: At the Quarterly Public Hearing it seems that most of the public comments I heard related to this were the 208 <br />misperception that this was a plan to build a lot of new roads, stop lights, signals, etc. so I agree that education is needed. 209 <br /> 210 <br />Tony Blake: When we did the rezoning last year, I took a drive up there and I heard at least 4 or 5 people comment that the 211 <br />biggest transportation improvement needed is to fix the railroad bridge on Old NC 10 because the trucks keep going down 212 <br />there and slamming that bridge overpasses or having to back up when they realize the bridge is too low. Did that figure into 213 <br />this plan? Are you working with DOT on that? 214 <br /> 215
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