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Approved 10/2/13 <br />4 <br />renovate a barn, they would not have a problem with that. I think how this topic resonates on the board and other 163 <br />people. I want to address the sprinkler system, my home is sprinklered and it is real simple. I wish there was a 164 <br />way to say if the house was more than 2,000 square feet, it had to be sprinkled. Under the Telecommunicating 165 <br />section shall not be considered a home occupation, maybe we should be put in there that if you have employees 166 <br />who telecommute, they are working for you but stay in their home, and they will not be considered employees on 167 <br />site. The events per year limits, you need to be careful because if you had a time during the summer where every 168 <br />Saturday 15 cars show up, that is starting to hit that impact limit. You could spread the impact of that over a period 169 <br />of time. We did touch on the fact that the Orange County sign limit was much bigger than the Chapel Hill one so we 170 <br />need to think about that. 171 <br /> 172 <br />Paul Guthrie: If the sprinkler does not pass the minimum requirements for the sprinkler system, you will not get a 173 <br />permit. You need to have a separate unattached generator. 174 175 <br /> 176 Agenda Item 8: Hillsborough/Orange County Central Orange Coordinated Area– To receive information 177 <br />on the Central Orange Coordinated Area Land Use Plan and next steps. 178 Presenter: Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor 179 <br /> 180 <br />Tom Altieri: Reviewed abstract. 181 <br /> 182 <br />Tony Blake: Does zoning match the land use along here or is there effort to get that to happen? 183 <br /> 184 <br />Tom Altieri: In some cases it does and in others there may be an effort to make that happen. The town and county 185 <br />need to come together on the joint land use plan and then the town needs to adopt its zoning classifications that 186 <br />would correspond in the blue areas. Those would need to be acknowledged by Orange County and our Unified 187 <br />Development Ordinance. 188 <br /> 189 <br />Paul Guthrie: You mentioned a couple of criteria that went into the thought pattern. One was the water supply and 190 <br />the cost to serve development. How much did those two categories enter into the discussion as you cut up the 191 <br />region between Hillsborough and the county and the second question was who was assuming the largest cost 192 <br />burden. 193 <br /> 194 <br />Tom Altieri: In terms of water supply, the position of the town was they want to try to hold the line. You also asked 195 <br />about the cost. 196 <br /> 197 <br />Craig Benedict: Any consideration of the development cost to the un-served areas in terms of how you negotiated 198 <br />with Hillsborough. We looked at the existing lines and wanted to fill in those existing areas as far as water supply. 199 <br />As far as sewer, there are sub basins that flow into the Eno so we looked at sewer sheds. What would be the ease 200 <br />of extending sewer south? One other major consideration was transportation issues. 201 <br /> 202 <br /> 203 <br />Paul Guthrie: How much did developed cost go into that discussion? 204 <br /> 205 <br />Craig Benedict: Hillsborough’s water sewer fund is very fragile. Their biggest water user went out of business 206 <br />shortly after the new reservoir was put into service so that put a major strain on them. They will still need to expand 207 <br />their reservoirs so they will not lose the permitting process they went through. It is managed around total water 208 <br />capacity and an efficiently run sewer system. 209 <br /> 210 <br />James Lea: If the urban service area will not be expanded, what is the reason to go forward with Phase II of the 211 <br />reservoir? And what will be the impact around the reservoir? 212 <br /> 213 <br />Craig Benedict: They think there are undeveloped properties that will need those water supplies. Hillsborough 214 <br />purchased all the land around the Phase II during the previous permitting process. 215 <br /> 216