OCPB agenda 030718
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 030718
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12/27/2018 2:02:20 PM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:23:33 PM
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OCPB minutes 030718
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111 <br />Paul Guthrie said so the short answer is no. Craig Benedict affirmed that. 112 <br /> 113 <br />Tom Altieri reviewed that the Joint Land Use Plan is about the future, long-term vision, with coordination around the 114 <br />fringe, using a variety of urban-style land use categories and some rural. The text and map form the “plan.” The 115 <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map is also about the future, long-term vision. It is county-116 <br />wide, consistent with joint plans, has broad categories of land uses, including many rural uses. Text and map form 117 <br />the “plan.” 118 <br /> 119 <br />Tom Altieri said there is no rezoning proposed today but the staff proposal would be to apply Suburban Office 120 <br />Complex zoning to the expanded area. Office and employment enterprises that don’t rely on walk-in customers are 121 <br />allowed in that zoning designation. He knows the town had expressed some concern about too much retail. That’s 122 <br />one reason this land use category is being proposed. 123 <br /> 124 <br />Tom Altieri said the proposed amendment would be to expand the county’s economic development area to include 125 <br />these approximately 89 acres which involve 20 parcels. 126 <br /> 127 <br />Craig Benedict reviewed that Rural Buffer is also a zoning category, allowing one residential unit per 2 acres. There 128 <br />are some non-residential uses that can go in the rural areas like kennels (approved through a quasi-judicial process). 129 <br /> 130 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if there are residences along Davis Road. Tom Altieri said there are some. He thinks there are 131 <br />four residences on Davis Road and some along Scarlett Mountain Road. 132 <br /> 133 <br />Lydia Wegman asked for confirmation that there is no one living on the rectangular parcel along Davis Road. Tom 134 <br />Altieri answered no and it is 12 acres. Craig Benedict noted the owners of that parcel were attending this evening’s 135 <br />meeting. 136 <br /> 137 <br />Kim Piracci asked about green blobs on the map, which seemed random. Tom Altieri explained they are not random. 138 <br />They indicate historic sites, preservation of a species, flood plains, etc. Craig Benedict added those are flags to look 139 <br />at in the zoning area or on a future site plan as possible protected areas. 140 <br /> 141 <br />Tom Altieri reviewed the map, indicating areas where no rezoning is proposed. He reviewed areas in purple are 142 <br />already zoned EDH4, EDH5. Craig Benedict said the purples to the north are now part of the Settler’s Point 143 <br />conditional zoning district. 144 <br /> 145 <br />Lydia Wegman asked that before any future non-residential activity took place on the parcels up for discussion this 146 <br />evening, the zoning would have to precede it. Tom Altieri confirmed that is right. 147 <br /> 148 <br />Craig Benedict said let me restate that. Orange County can suggest a zoning and land use change. The county isn’t 149 <br />doing that here because it is in the interest of the residents and local governments involved to know what would be 150 <br />put there. That’s a zoning process. See the zoning category and the uses that are in there. If someone was to do a 151 <br />master plan development conditional zoning, there would be a rudimentary site plan. For a typical conventional 152 <br />zoning from R1 to EDH5, they don’t have to say it’s an X, Y, Z store. With conditional zoning, they have to show 153 <br />where roads are, environmental areas and follow an abridged list of uses. 154 <br /> 155 <br />Lydia Wegman asked again that landowners of those 20 parcels now can build low-density residential. 156 <br /> 157 <br />Craig Benedict said correct. If people want to do low-density residential, they can. 158 <br /> 159 <br />Hunter Spitzer asked if any other uses were considered other than Suburban Office Complex. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Tom Altieri answered yes, Employment was considered but that would allow walk-in customers so we determined 162 <br />Suburban Office Complex was preferred. Another option could be a 10- or 20-year transition area with high-density 163 <br />residential and we know the town is opposed to high-density residential in this area. 164 <br /> 165 <br /> 8
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