Orange County NC Website
Roads: The applicant is proposing the creation of public road (20 foot wide asphalt pavement within <br />a 50 foot right-of-way) that would serve the proposed 16 single-family lots and common open space. <br />Because the project is split between two NCDOT Districts, the proposed road has been reviewed by <br />the NCDOT District Engineer Offices in Pittsboro and Graham. The location for the connection was <br />reviewed and deemed acceptable by both offices. Permitting and road construction oversight has <br />been assigned to the Pittsboro District Engineer’s Office. The road also requires a stream crossing <br />and Section 401/404 permits by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the NC Department <br />of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT - ROADS: Staff has determined that the proposed new roadway layout <br />is consistent with the requirements of the UDO, and given the surrounding topography and <br />existing roads, is likely the most desirable and safest location for a public street intersection. <br /> <br />Staff will continue to work with NCDOT and Chatham County during the review, approval <br />and permitting for this project. Both County offices will sign-off on the Final Plat prior to <br />recordation. <br /> <br />Utilities – Water and Sewer: The applicant is proposing to serve the project with individual wells <br />and septic systems developed on each lot. All are located in Chatham County. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT - UTILITIES: Orange County and Chatham County Environmental <br />Health Departments will coordinate and document the final locations for well and septic <br />areas along the county line. <br /> <br />Stormwater Drainage: Orange and Chatham County Storwater and Erosion Control have <br />coordinated regarding reviews and permits for temporary and permanent site drainage. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT - STORMWATER: Orange County Stornwater and Erosion Control Staff <br />have reviewed and issued Erosion Control and Stormwater Permits. <br /> <br />Open Space: The development calls for +/-.56 acres of common open space. These areas will be <br />maintained by a Homeowners Association. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT – OPEN SPACE: Staff has determined the proposed open space and <br />land use buffers meet the applicable requirements of the UDO. <br /> <br />Land Use Buffer: The development will require a 30-foot Type B land use buffer along Jones Ferry <br />Road. <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT – LAND USE BUFFER: Section 6.8.6 (D) of the UDO requires that this <br />project maintain a thirty (30) foot land use buffer separating the project from adjacent <br />roadways. Staff has determined the proposed open space and land use buffers meet the <br />requirements of the UDO. This buffer will be shown on the final plat and inspected for <br />zoning compliance prior to recordation. <br /> <br />Staff Generated Correspondence: Attachment 3 contains the various comments for this project <br />as of the date of abstract preparation. <br /> <br />Joint Review: The property is not located within a defined Joint Planning Area (JPA). Staff has <br />however coordinated with Chatham County Planning regarding their review of the subdivision. <br /> 15