OCPB agenda 030718
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 030718
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:02:20 PM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:23:33 PM
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OCPB minutes 030718
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Craig Benedict added the Employment zoning designation would also have more traffic than the Suburban Office 166 <br />Complex designation. 167 <br /> 168 <br />Paul Guthrie asked where the high-transition line is located. Craig Benedict indicated it on the map, at the top of the 169 <br />straight yellow section. Paul Guthrie asked about its future. Craig Benedict said we don’t know and it’s not in our 170 <br />control. Paul Guthrie said he asks that because the tower by the road has become a transition line tower with a great 171 <br />many feeds. Craig Benedict said 20 years ago, people didn’t think you could put cell phone towers on those transition 172 <br />line towers and now you see those antennae. 173 <br /> 174 <br />Tom Altieri reviewed that next steps include additional coordination with town staff to schedule and hold a joint public 175 <br />information meeting. The Planning Board recommendation and BOCC decisions would be rescheduled. The 176 <br />Hillsborough Planning Board will discuss the zoning of this land on February 15. The town and county boards of 177 <br />commissioners have a joint meeting February 22. 178 <br /> 179 <br />Tom Altieri said these amendments are based on the premise that the county wants to expand the economic 180 <br />development district. If something different comes from those two boards, then staff will change direction. 181 <br /> 182 <br />Buddy Hartley asked why the town does not want residential usage for its water and sewer. 183 <br /> 184 <br />Tom Altieri answered the town does not want residential in this area because of traffic concerns in Hillsborough and 185 <br />an interest in focusing on in-fill development with the approved Collins Ridge development and the potential 186 <br />redevelopment of Daniel Boone. The town is sensitive to additional residential for this area. 187 <br /> 188 <br />Craig Benedict said the counter argument is that Hillsborough’s strategic planning process regarding that growth ring 189 <br />around town, before Waterstone existed, was that the town didn’t want any residential north of town because people 190 <br />would be trying to get to interstates 85 and 40, so there was interest in putting residential south of town. Now, 191 <br />Hillsborough’s argument is they have interest in walkability. If residential were allowed on this land being discussed 192 <br />tonight, you’d have this satellite community south of I-40 that didn’t have continuity with this compact urban form. If 193 <br />the county could provide water and sewer, we would suggest residential that is senior housing to fulfill a need. It 194 <br />would have to be higher density residential -- perhaps people who live there and get on the interstate to go to work 195 <br />and maybe go to a restaurant in Hillsborough. 196 <br /> 197 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if anyone has questions or comments. 198 <br /> 199 <br />Nathan Robinson addressed the board. He says he owns a 14-acre parcel in this area in discussion. He said we 200 <br />originally bought it to build single-family houses there. He said we don’t want to get stuck with property that we can’t 201 <br />build houses on and isn’t zoned for economic development. He said he has talked with Craig Benedict. 202 <br /> 203 <br />Kim Piracci asked Nathan Robinson why he didn’t sell it to Settler’s Point. Nathan Robinson answered that the 204 <br />Settler’s Point developers wanted to look at it for two years and only pay us $5,000 for that time. 205 <br /> 206 <br />Adam Beeman asked Nathan Robinson if he would have to perk the land out now to build houses. Nathan Robinson 207 <br />answered yes. Adam Beeman asked for confirmation that the Settler’s Point developers don’t want to give Nathan 208 <br />Robinson residential access to his property. Nathan Robinson said that’s his understanding. 209 <br /> 210 <br />Craig Benedict showed on a map where Hillsborough water comes to now. 211 <br /> 212 <br />Nathan Robinson said he was thinking high-density residential to transition from Settler’s Point but there isn’t sewer. 213 <br />There is a water line close by but he doesn’t know if he can tap on to it. 214 <br /> 215 <br />Paul Guthrie asked Craig Benedict to expand about the transition water line. He’s not so sure it’s a retail water line. 216 <br />It’s an emergency water line to get water to Cary and Durham. 217 <br /> 218 <br />Craig Benedict answered they got close when OWASA needed water. Hillsborough had to flush the line. People in 219 <br />that area cannot connect to that emergency line. There’s a similar one between Hillsborough and Durham. 220 <br /> 9
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