OCPB agenda 020718
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 020718
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:02:06 PM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:22:18 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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OCPB minutes 020718
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2018
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that is the quasi-judicial component of this hearing. It is our professional opinion that the array as proposed will not 166 <br />create a dire set of consequences for surrounding property owners and will not have a negative impact on the public, 167 <br />safety or welfare. With respect to the value of contiguous property, within the agenda packet there is a report 168 <br />regarding the impact of the facility on contiguous property values. That is enabling staff to make a recommendation 169 <br />that the use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property. And finally, the location and character of the 170 <br />use, if developed according to the plan submitted, will be in harmony with the area. Staff is basing that finding on the 171 <br />application package, the staff abstract, the documented evidence and the various attachments, specifically 172 <br />Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 5, and the Neighborhood Information Meeting. Staff recommends approval 173 <br />of the Special Use Permit. 174 <br /> 175 <br />Patrick Mallett reminded the board of the process of voting and that the only condition that changed was Condition 176 <br />Number 1, which involved changing the language from a conservation easement to a natural buffer area. 177 <br /> 178 MOTION by Tony Blake to approve staff recommendations as detailed on Pages 154-159 of the abstract packet. 179 <br />Seconded by Hunter Spitzer. 180 VOTE: Unanimous 181 <br /> 182 <br />MOTION by Kim Piracci to find that, with respect to Section 5.3.2 (A) (2), the use will maintain or promote the public 183 <br />health, safety and general welfare, if located where proposed and developed and operated according to the plan as 184 <br />submitted. Seconded by David Blankfard. 185 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 186 <br /> 187 MOTION by Randy Marshall to find that with respect to Section 5.3.2 (A) (2) (b) The use will maintain or enhance the 188 <br />value of contiguous property (unless the use is a public necessity, in which case the use need not maintain or 189 <br />enhance the value of contiguous property). Seconded by Alexander Gregory. 190 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 191 <br /> 192 MOTION by Randy Marshall to find that with respect to Section 5.3.2 (A) (2) (c), the location and character of the use, 193 <br />if developed according to the plan submitted, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and the use 194 <br />is in compliance with the plan for the physical development of the County as embodied in these regulations or in the 195 <br />Comprehensive Plan, or portion thereof, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Seconded by David 196 <br />Blankfard. 197 VOTE: Unanimous 198 <br /> 199 MOTION by Hunter Spitzer to approve the Special Use Permit with the imposition of the mutually agreed upon 200 <br />conditions as listed on Pages 162-163. Seconded by Tony Blake. 201 VOTE: Unanimous 202 203 <br /> 204 AGENDA ITEM 9: MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – SETTLER’S POINT - To review comments 205 <br />made at the November 14 quarterly public hearing, proposed revisions to conditions as a 206 <br />result of comments, and to make a recommendation on the proposed revisions concerning an 207 <br />application for an MPD-CZ (Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning). The proposed 208 <br />project encompasses approximately 195 acres in the Hillsborough Economic Development 209 <br />District (EDD) south of Interstate 40 on both sides of Old Highway 86. The public hearing for 210 <br />this item has been extended until January 23, 2018. 211 212 <br />Presenter: Craig Benedict, Planning Director, and Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 213 <br /> 214 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the abstract materials and that the purpose this evening is to finalize review of specific 215 <br />conditions as requested by the county commissioners concerning the Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning 216 <br />application for Settler’s Point. As a general reminder, this project involves two districts. District 1 involves two parcels 217 <br />covering 148 acres. District 2 is approximately 47 acres involving 8 parcels of property. This review is a continuation 218 <br />of the December 18, 2017, meeting. He reviewed that the applicant is proposing to not disturb the buffer in District 1 219 <br />but to reduce the width of the buffer in District 2 from 100 feet to 50 feet as described on Pages 228 and 229 in the 220 <br /> 9
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