Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />1. The Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) <br />Land Use Plan is a joint land use document that defines the locations of future land use <br />categories to help achieve a desired and coordinated pattern of development over time. <br />The COCA Land Use Plan includes several urban-style land use categories that are more <br />specific than those provided in the County’s Comprehensive Plan, which covers a much <br />larger geographic area. Implementation of the COCA Land Use Plan is achieved through <br />consistency with the County’s Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, application of <br />County zoning, and a coordinated approach to rezoning. The proposed amendment <br />would reflect the expansion of the Town’s Urban Service Boundary consistent with the <br />WASMPBA to provide water and sewer service to the area. The amendment would also <br />propose a “Suburban Office Complex” land use in the expansion area which would <br />designate the area for office and employment, businesses in a campus setting, and <br />limited supporting services. As part of a joint land use plan, this amendment requires <br />approval by the Town of Hillsborough and is being coordinated so that the Town and <br />County processes run concurrently. <br /> <br />Town of Hillsborough Schedule: <br />February 15, 2018 - Town Public Hearing and Planning Board recommendation <br />Date to be determined – Town Board action <br /> <br />2. The Orange County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) defines the <br />location of future land use categories, consistent with any joint land use plans, and is <br />designed to accommodate a particular combination of general land uses. The FLUM <br />helps achieve a desired pattern of development over time and is implemented primarily <br />through zoning. The proposed amendment to this plan would change the expansion area <br />from a Rural Residential land use to an Economic Development Transition Activity Node <br />which would designate the area for light industrial, distribution, office, service/retail uses, <br />and flex space (typically one-story buildings designed, constructed, and marketed as <br />suitable for use as offices but able to accommodate other uses such as a warehouse, <br />showroom, manufacturing assembly, or similar operations.). <br /> <br />Planning staff is not recommending any rezoning at this time. Currently, the area is zoned Rural <br />Residential (R-1). Any rezoning that comes forward in the future will require a subsequent <br />public hearing and finding that it is consistent with the plans discussed herein. <br /> <br />The Amendment Outline Form in Attachment 1 provides additional information and maps <br />depicting the proposed amendments are included in Attachment 2. <br /> <br />Public Information Meeting <br />Planning staff held a joint public information meeting in coordination with Town of Hillsborough <br />Planning staff in September 2017. Six property owners were in attendance. Although the <br />meeting was not held to discuss specifics of the Settlers Point development application, <br />discussions did have a tendency to center on the development proposal. Although the Settlers <br />Point application was subsequently amended and applicable area reduced to exclude the land <br />(previously known as District 3) that is part of the amendments herein, comments and questions <br />from the Public Information Meeting were: <br />• Why is there a County initiated zoning amendment separate and in addition to the <br />developer initiated rezoning for Settlers Point? <br />• Some existing homes could be surrounded by non-residential uses. <br /> 16