Orange County NC Website
hours needs to be flexible. 276 <br /> 277 <br />Tony Blake noted that there are no other six-story buildings in Hillsborough and he is painfully aware of the cost of a 278 <br />ladder truck. 279 <br /> 280 <br />Michael Harvey said it was not brought up in any reviews. All site plans are reviewed and commented on by the 281 <br />county and town fire marshals and reviewed by Orange County Rural Fire Department. There will obviously be 282 <br />requirements to sprinkler buildings. 283 <br /> 284 <br />Tony Blake said it came up in Chapel Hill when a tall building was built and the ladder truck cost $1 million. 285 <br /> 286 <br />Timothy Smith, an engineer and project manager with Summit Design & Engineering, reviewed slides the board has 287 <br />seen before including hypothetical schematics. He reviewed the MTC buffer along Interstate 40 is wooded. He 288 <br />reviewed the plan to create breaks in the buffer so that the project is visible from the interstate. The applicant is 289 <br />proposing low-growth shrubs that grow from 4 to 6 feet tall to give a soft break in the trees with some occasional 290 <br />accent trees that are maybe 15 to 25 feet tall like crepe myrtles. The proposal meets the requirements of the 291 <br />ordinance, Smith reviewed. 292 <br /> 293 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if the accent trees and shrubs would be written into the conditions. 294 <br /> 295 <br />Timothy Smith said the applicant is wiling. 296 <br /> 297 <br />Tony Blake asked about the elevation of the project. 298 <br /> 299 <br />Timothy Smith answered from the interstate, one would be looking up. 300 <br /> 301 <br />Paul Guthrie asked where the high-tension power line is located. 302 <br /> 303 <br />Timothy Smith indicated its location. He continued that the applicant is proposing a landmark sign at the intersection 304 <br />of Old N.C. 86 and the interstate that would advertise the development. The second sign would be at the drive 305 <br />entrance and would list the individual occupants. 306 <br /> 307 <br />Tony Blake asked if there are specific down-light requirements for the signs. 308 <br /> 309 <br />Michael Harvey answered there is internal illumination only. 310 <br /> 311 <br />Kim Piracci asked if a gas station is likely to be located here. 312 <br /> 313 <br />Timothy Smith answered that is unknown at this point. 314 <br /> 315 <br />Kim Piracci asked if it would fall under retail. Staff answered affirmatively. 316 <br /> 317 <br />Lydia Wegman said she didn’t know if this could be answered tonight but have there been any further conversations 318 <br />with the Town of Hillsborough? Timothy Smith said there had been no further comments. 319 <br /> 320 <br />Adam Beeman asked for comments on the Department of Transportation email. His biggest concern is traveling 321 <br />southbound and trying to turn left at the hospital. 322 <br /> 323 <br />Ed Sirgany answered the light at the ramp would be one of the 2020 improvements. The signal would provide gaps 324 <br />for drivers trying to make a left out of the service road. 325 <br /> 326 <br />Adam Beeman said a second access to the industrial site is going to be necessary for trucks. 327 <br /> 328 <br />Ed Sirgany said DOT was concerned about stacking at the ramps and yet the Master Plan level does not provide the 329 <br />level of detail needed to determine the impact of large trucks coming from a business like a warehouse. 330 <br /> 11