OCPB agenda 020718
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 020718
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Last modified
12/27/2018 2:02:06 PM
Creation date
3/14/2018 4:22:18 PM
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OCPB minutes 020718
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2018
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agenda abstract. 221 <br /> 222 <br />David Blankfard asked, to be sure he understood, that at the last meeting, the applicant was asking for clearance of 223 <br />the buffer and now they are proposing less. 224 <br /> 225 <br />Michael Harvey answered that the applicant is now proposing to abide by the 50 percent clearance rule and where 226 <br />they are creating visual breaks, they are proposing to re-landscape with low-lying foliage. He said the applicant would 227 <br />explain that tonight. 228 <br /> 229 <br />David Blankford checked that the applicant wasn’t required to replant low-lying foliage in those visual breaks. 230 <br /> 231 <br />Michael Harvey answered that he is technically correct. 232 <br /> 233 <br />A member asked a clarifying question about the amount of clearing proposed. 234 <br /> 235 <br />Michael Harvey answered the applicant is proposing to clear 1,100 feet. They are going to do additional clearing 236 <br />breaks and then re-vegetate them but not to the height of the current trees. Staff has determined that this would be 237 <br />consistent with provisions of Section 6.6.4 (A) as it currently reads. 238 <br /> 239 <br />Paul Guthrie asked is there a long-term commitment for the low-lying foliage to be maintained. 240 <br /> 241 <br />Michael Harvey answered affirmatively. 242 <br /> 243 <br />Michael Harvey said regarding signage, the applicant has provided the required renderings. Regarding land use and 244 <br />schools (elementary, middle and high schools), the applicant has determined it is best at this time to eliminate this as 245 <br />a land use. So, the applicant has proposed a modification to the application to eliminate this as a land use. To add it 246 <br />back would take an amendment process that would be reviewed by the Planning Board and go to a public hearing. 247 <br /> 248 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the language proposed for the condition that stipulates that water systems and water 249 <br />pressure shall comply with all applicable Town of Hillsborough utility, building and fire code standards based on the 250 <br />proposed land use. That is language that the staff and applicant are agreeable to. When asked, he clarified that the 251 <br />standards at the time of the proposal would apply. 252 <br /> 253 <br />Paul Guthrie asked about sewer capacity for this project. 254 <br /> 255 <br />Michael Harvey said as this project is developed, a developer might find there is not adequate capacity and be 256 <br />unable to move forward until accommodation is made. 257 <br /> 258 <br />Craig Benedict said Orange County designed the sewer running under the interstate because it is an economic 259 <br />development district. There is enough capacity. Large water and sewer users are not proposed for that area. He 260 <br />indicated the plan for sewer development south of Interstate 40 on a map. 261 <br /> 262 <br />Paul Guthrie asked if it would require a pumping station. 263 <br /> 264 <br />Craig Benedict answered no, the plan is for it to flow by gravity. The plan is to avoid a lift station if possible. 265 <br /> 266 <br />When there were no further questions about the utility condition, Michael Harvey reviewed that the requested tree 267 <br />survey could not be ready for this process. After reviewing the minutes, it was determined that the county 268 <br />commissioner who had requested that had not intended to request a tree survey be complete before the application 269 <br />was approved but rather to help determine which trees should remain as the site is developed. Regarding limiting the 270 <br />number of outdoor lighting fixtures, the applicant is willing to work with the county on that but wants to make sure 271 <br />there is adequate lighting for security purposes. A condition will be implemented that says that outdoor lighting 272 <br />fixtures can be extinguished after hours consistent with applicable safety features. Regarding the discussion and 273 <br />consensus (but no vote) on the allowance of 30 percent retail (Page 231), a formal recommendation will be 274 <br />requested this evening. Regarding hours of operation, staff concurs with the applicant that to market the site, the 275 <br /> 10
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