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No. Page(s) Agenda Item <br />8. <br />15 – 227 <br /> <br />CLASS A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP) - To review and make a <br />recommendation to the BOCC on a Class A Special Use Permit <br />application to develop a solar array/public utility station on 27.8 acres of <br />a 52 acre parcel of property (PIN 9835-02-9137, no address assigned <br />yet) which is accessed via an easement from 6519 U.S. Highway 70 <br />West within the Cheeks Township. An SUP was approved in <br />September 2016 but has expired, necessitating consideration of a new <br />SUP. <br />Presenter: Patrick Mallett, Planner II <br />9. <br />228 – 289 <br /> <br />MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – SETTLER’S POINT - To review <br />comments made at the November 14 quarterly public hearing, proposed <br />revisions to conditions as a result of comments, and to make a <br />recommendation on the proposed revisions concerning an application <br />for an MPD-CZ (Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning). The <br />proposed project encompasses approximately 195 acres in the <br />Hillsborough Economic Development District (EDD) south of Interstate <br />40 on both sides of Old Highway 86. The public hearing for this item <br />has been extended until January 23, 2018. <br />Presenter: Craig Benedict, Planning Director, and Michael <br />Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />IF AN EMERGENCY OCCURS, OR IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE FOR THE MEETING, PLEASE LEAVE A VOICE MAIL FOR <br />PERDITA HOLTZ (919-245-2578). <br /> <br /> 2