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indicated that such a condition is incredibly problematic. Staff has not pursued a condition on that. Lydia Wegman 441 <br />said that makes sense. 442 <br /> 443 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the applicant has addressed the concern of overall buffer impacts of the project and there 444 <br />will be more discussion in January. 445 <br /> 446 <br />Paul Guthrie asked what the terrain would be around the stormwater ponds. Will they be empty and full depending on 447 <br />the rainfall, he asked. Michael Harvey answered as the stormwater facilities haven’t necessarily been submitted for 448 <br />review, he doesn’t know if they will be full constantly or only full as there is inundation. Typically, there is landscaping 449 <br />around the feature. A stormwater facility doesn’t necessarily mean a big pond. It can be a rain garden. It can be a 450 <br />subterranean facility. Since there will be a push for capturing stormwater, he thinks the facility will be minimal. There 451 <br />are some limitations we’ll have to live with within state law. He thinks the developer will avoid big mosquito pits 452 <br />because it’s bad for development. 453 <br /> 454 <br />Paul Guthrie said he wanted more specifics. Michael Harvey said any time a stormwater feature is developed, the 455 <br />county requires the developer secure a maintenance agreement and submit documentation. Development in Orange 456 <br />County is held to a stormwater standard. It will be addressed on every feature. Developers are required to post bonds 457 <br />to maintain the stormwater features. 458 459 <br />Craig Benedict reminded the board the next meeting is not Jan. 3 but instead Jan. 10. 460 <br /> 461 AGENDA ITEM 8: POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT PROJECTIONS - To receive information on population 462 <br />and employment projections for Orange County. 463 <br /> 464 <br />Presenter: Craig Benedict, Planning Director 465 <br /> 466 <br />Craig Benedict reviewed the abstract. He reviewed that comments can go straight to the Metropolitan Planning 467 <br />Organization. Every four or five years, the MPO puts together projections. This is the 2045 Metropolitan 468 <br />Transportation Plan Preferred Option. He reviewed that Orange County is also a participant in the Burlington 469 <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization. He reviewed that commissioners Barry Jacobs and Penny Rich are on the policy 470 <br />board that meets in Durham. He reviewed the MPO has a 20-year plan. And there is also a 10-year State 471 <br />Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This includes MPTO’s TIPS plus rural projects. 472 <br /> 473 <br />Craig Benedict reviewed that a statistical poll company estimates the populations. He said we still question some of 474 <br />that analysis. He shared the slide that lists all the goals and objectives. There are state, regional and local funding 475 <br />priorities. He explained our input into local projects has to score well. 476 <br /> 477 <br />Craig Benedict shared the slide with the population projections. The projection was 200,000 in 2040 but now the 478 <br />projection is for 195,000 in 2045. That’s important for us to gauge where our service needs are, he said. 479 <br /> 480 <br />Craig Benedict said from 2005 to 2015 there has been some loss of employment. He said this was due to the 481 <br />recession and hasn’t recovered. Tony Blake asked if there are more retired people. Mr. Benedict answered the 482 <br />projections are taking land use into consideration. Also, previous years people thought we could compete with Wake 483 <br />and Durham counties. But from the land use side and ability to develop, the “ground truth” is different. 484 <br /> 485 <br />Craig Benedict noted Chapel Hill and Carrboro will have more multi-family homes but in the rest of the county more 486 <br />single-family homes. Hunter Spitzer asked why not single-family development in Chapel Hill. Craig Benedict 487 <br />answered there isn’t much green space left and so developers are developing what is left with multi-family units and 488 <br />it’s been noted that families are moving into three-bedroom, multi-family units. 489 <br /> 490 <br />Craig Benedict shared the employment projection slides. He summarized that the projection would call for two of the 491 <br />former Blue Cross/Blue Shield buildings every year for a total of more than 13 million additional square feet by 2045. 492 <br />Craig Benedict said those are aggressive employment projections. Kim Piracci asked where the standards of space 493 <br />per employee comes from. Craig Benedict answered it is a blended industry standard. 494 <br /> 495 <br /> 13