Orange County NC Website
<br />4 <br />Lydia Wegman asked the Board if there was a motion. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Ashley Moncado requested the motion include changes to Section 3.C.5 regarding the addition of the word “by” as 162 <br />reviewed with Board. 163 <br /> 164 MOTION BY TONY BLAKE TO APPROVE THE CHANGES AS NOTED TO SECTION 3.C.5 ADDING THE WORD “BY”. SECONDED 165 <br />BY DAVID BLANKFARD. VOTE: UNANIMOUS 166 <br /> 167 MOTION BY RANDY MARSHALL TO APPROVE CHANGES TO SECTION 4.E.1, AS PROPOSED, AND ELIMINATE SECTION 4.E.2 168 <br />AS STATED. SECONDED BY TONY BLAKE. VOTE: UNANIMOUS 169 <br /> 170 AGENDA ITEM 8: PLANNING BOARD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN: To discuss the annual input form which 171 <br />informs the BOCC of the past year’s activities of advisory boards/commissions and assists in 172 <br />overall County work planning. 173 PRESENTER: Craig Benedict, Planning Director 174 <br /> 175 <br />Craig Benedict reviewed the abstract and requested input from the Board. 176 <br /> 177 <br />Lydia Wegman asked what the parks and recreation pay in lieu fee was about. 178 <br /> 179 <br />Craig Benedict responded that the County will be hiring a consultant to analyze acres per person to create new 180 <br />standards which will be reviewed by the Planning Board. 181 <br /> 182 <br />Tony Blake asked why this was an item. 183 <br /> 184 <br />Craig Benedict responded that is has become an item for review in order for the County to determine what our role is 185 <br />in the rural areas of the county and determine what the impact may be compared to the Towns or urban areas. 186 <br /> 187 <br />Lydia Wegman asked what the potable water item was referencing. 188 <br /> 189 <br />Craig responded that is referencing reservoirs and ground water preservation. 190 <br /> 191 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if it was about extending water and sewer to the rural buffer. 192 <br /> 193 <br />Craig Benedict responded no. 194 <br /> 195 <br />Tony Blake stated interest in the nuisance ordinance and the mass gatherings ordinance. 196 <br /> 197 <br />Craig Benedict stated the nuisance ordinance would not apply to the Barn at Chapel Hill due to the County’s lack of 198 <br />enforcement ability from the state legislature. This ordinance would be a legislative ask to enforce the same rights the 199 <br />Towns can enforce in more urban areas of the county where water and sewer exists. This may be in areas where the 200 <br />County is focusing on economic development. Mass gatherings ordinance will need to be started again with the new 201 <br />EMS Director. 202 <br /> 203 <br />Tony Blake stated concern with the public misunderstanding these ordinances and putting additional demands on the 204 <br />sheriff’s department. 205 <br /> 206 <br />Tony Blake stated the need to pursue wireless broadband access with the County EMS towers due to the want at the 207 <br />residential level and need at the EMS level. 208 <br /> 209 <br />Randy Marshall asked if areas of nuisance needed to be defined. 210 <br /> 211 <br />Craig Benedict responded yes and that nuisance will be clarified. 212 <br /> 8