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1. Recommended Conditions: <br />a. CONDITION 6 – The applicant objects to granting approval/denial authority <br />to the Orange Rural Volunteer Fire Department and suggested modification <br />to allow review of development proposals while maintaining approval <br />authority with the County and Town Fire Marshal. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: BOCC members wanted feedback from the <br />Planning Board on the alteration of this condition as it was originally <br />recommended by Planning Board members. <br />b. CONDITION 13 (h) (vi) MTC BUFFER – the BOCC expressed concern over <br />the proposed clearing of the MTC buffer and indicated their preference to <br />restrict clearing to what is currently allowed within Section 6.6.5 (A) of the <br />UDO (i.e. clearing only 50% of the MTC Buffer). <br />STAFF COMMENT: During the public hearing the applicant <br />indicated the project would abide by existing clearing limits so long <br />as encroachment of utility, stormwater, and vehicular use areas (i.e. <br />roadways, travel lanes, parking) could be accommodated within a 50 <br />foot portion of the ‘disturbed’ MTC buffer. <br />Staff requested the applicant provide a schematic illustrating how the <br />project will comply with the provisions of Section 6.6.5 (A) as well as <br />detailing the requested ‘encroachment’ and any proposal to re- <br />vegetate/landscape the area to address buffer requirements is area <br />was used for vehicular use areas (i.e. roadway and parking). <br />c. CONDITION 13 (k) SIGNAGE – The BOCC expressed concern over a lack <br />of detail on how the architectural landmark freestanding sign and entry <br />portal signs would look. <br />STAFF COMMENT: BOCC members requested the submittal of a <br />rendering of the proposed signs for consideration. <br />d. CONDITION 13 (k) (iii) (2) (e) ILLUMINATION OF SIGNAGE - A BOCC <br />member requested clarification on the method that will be used to illuminate <br />signage. A recommended condition indicated all signs shall be internally <br />illuminated while language indicates external lighting would be allowed for <br />entry portal signs. <br />STAFF COMMENT: This was an error on staff’s part. The <br />allowance shall be removed to ensure consistency with the project <br />narrative. <br />e. LAND USE – SCHOOLS, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary: There was <br />general discussion on allowing for the development of a school (i.e. <br />elementary, middle, high school, etc.) within the project as proposed by the <br />applicant. BOCC members asked staff to reach out to the Orange County <br />School District to ascertain if a facility is expected to be needed in this area. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff will be reaching out to the Superintendent <br />and Chair of the Orange County School District as requested. <br />After conferring with the Director, staff would recommend the <br />deletion of a school as an allowable land use within the project. <br /> 13