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<br /> <br />7 <br /> 318 <br />Michael Harvey continued his presentation (page 151). 319 <br /> 320 <br />Kim Piracci noted a typo under “Medical Uses” where “Metal Health” should be “Mental Health.” 321 <br /> 322 <br />Michael Harvey thanked her for pointing it out and noted that will be corrected. He continued with his presentation 323 <br />on Medical Uses and spoke about “Health Services.” He said that currently in Orange County “Health Services” are 324 <br />restricted to certain square footage limitations. In April, Staff recommended that the Health Services categories 325 <br />could be consolidated and described in Definitions, and this change is reflected in the Table. “Health Services” are 326 <br />still defined by square footage, the current methodology described in Article 5 per district. The County Attorney has 327 <br />not expressed a concern about these changes. 328 <br /> 329 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if the changes in the how “Retail” is defined is similar to “Health Services” with square 330 <br />footage. 331 <br /> 332 <br />Michael Harvey explained that “Retail,” which was defined by travel trips per day, is now being defined by square 333 <br />footage, and “Health Services” is following that, in an attempt to establish a universal methodology. 334 <br /> 335 <br />Michael Harvey explained to the Board that Commissioner Burroughs has requested a meeting with Staff to discuss 336 <br />mental health and substance abuse centers in more detail. These centers are only allowed with a Class A Special 337 <br />Use Permit, and even though Commissioner Burroughs understands the rationale for having a heightened level of 338 <br />review, Mr. Harvey thinks that she will want to discuss other options . He will keep the Board advised about the 339 <br />meeting and any related outcomes. 340 <br /> 341 <br />Michael Harvey continued with his presentation (page 151). The County Attorney’s Office is concerned about the 342 <br />category “Veterinary Clinic, mobile.” This is an existing land use that allows a veterinarian to go through a process 343 <br />to establish a mobile veterinarian clinic on a parcel of property where the vehicle could be parked, materials could 344 <br />be stored, and administrative duties engaged in. However, the County Attorney is concerned that this set-up does 345 <br />not establish a principal use of property and wants more information on the history of this land use. Staff is working 346 <br />to provide more information, per the County Attorney’s request, but does not see a reason for this use to be 347 <br />deleted. The example given was if Buddy was a veterinarian and wanted to turn his house into a mobile veterinary 348 <br />clinic staging ground where items could be stored, where some staff could work, but he sees his animal clients by 349 <br />driving to their homes. This is the purpose of this land use category and it was an idea supported by the elected 350 <br />officials when working on agricultural service enterprise work several years ago. Mr. Harvey believes that the 351 <br />County Attorney just wants more information as to why this use exists, and Staff will provide him with this. 352 <br /> 353 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if the County Attorney has any other free-standing objections to this use. 354 <br /> 355 <br />Michael Harvey responded that the County Attorney currently does not see this as a permitted use, so the details 356 <br />from Staff will provide reason for this use to remain in the Table. 357 <br /> 358 <br />Lydia Wegman said that she understood. 359 <br /> 360 <br />Craig Benedict asked if a mobile veterinary clinic could be similar to a home occupation. 361 <br /> 362 <br />Michael Harvey answered that he is wary to include that use as allowable as a home occupation. Due to the level of 363 <br />specificity in the development review requirements, and potential impacts that are not covered under the home 364 <br />occupation special permitting process, he thinks it should be treated as a standalone use. 365 <br /> 366 <br />Michael Harvey continued presentation (page 152). The County Attorney’s Office has requested that “Race Track 367 <br />(motorized, etc.) and Go-Kart Track Facilities” be changed to “Race Track Facilities.” Mr. Harvey’s only concern is 368 <br />that the original category met legal sufficiency at the time it was adopted, but otherwise, he has no major objections 369 <br />with the suggested change. 370 <br /> 11