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<br />6 <br /> 265 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if the “etcetera” will be eliminated since all terms will be defined. 266 <br /> 267 <br />Michael Harvey confirmed this and said that “Government Protective Services” will be handled in the same way in 268 <br />that there will be a definition of Government Protective Services that includes in it police and fire stations, rescue 269 <br />squads, volunteer fire departments, and the like. 270 <br /> 271 <br />David Blankfard noticed that one of the examples under “Governmental Facilities & Office Buildings” that was 272 <br />removed from the category is “Libraries,” but “Library” is also a category under “Adult and Child Care & Educational 273 <br />Facilities.” He asked if there would be a conflict. 274 <br /> 275 <br />Michael Harvey answered that the government can develop a government facility in any and all zoning districts, so 276 <br />if the government develops a library, it can be in any zoning district where it is allowed. In the “Adult and Child Care 277 <br />& Educational Facilities category, “Library” is defined as private. 278 <br /> 279 <br />Lydia Wegman asked about state and federal uses in the “Government Facilities & Office Buildings” category. 280 <br /> 281 <br />Michael Harvey said that state and federal have been deleted because the County cannot distinguish these uses 282 <br />and that they are likely preempted by the state and federal government from following county zoning. 283 <br /> 284 <br />Lydia Wegman followed-up to ask if there will be elsewhere in the Table where state and federal facilities and 285 <br />buildings will be addressed. 286 <br /> 287 <br />Michael Harvey answered no, and that said that the same logic is applied to “Military Installations” in that certain 288 <br />categories and examples will be removed from the Table and explained under Definitions. 289 <br /> 290 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if Planning Staff would share these definitions with the Board. 291 <br /> 292 <br />Michael Harvey responded that once the definitions are finalized and to everyone’s satisfaction, Staff will share 293 <br />them with the Board. 294 <br /> 295 <br />Michael Harvey continued the presentation (page 142). He drew the Board’s attention to an update in the 296 <br />“Manufacturing, Assembly, and Processing” category. The County Attorney recommended that this category be 297 <br />more consolidated by changing this category to “Manufacturing, Assembly, and Processing – Food,” so all food-298 <br />related activities will be listed under this category, and other uses listed under “Manufacturing, Assembly, and 299 <br />Processing – Other” (page 144). 300 <br /> 301 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if “other” is further defined. 302 <br /> 303 <br />Michael Harvey said that “Manufacturing, Assembly, and Processing – Other” lists out all uses related to this 304 <br />category exclusive of food preparation or food manufacturing. 305 <br /> 306 <br />Lydia Wegman asked if all other uses related to this category will be listed under Other. 307 <br /> 308 <br />Michael Harvey affirmed this and went over some of the uses under Other and showed where certain uses had 309 <br />been consolidated, based on Staff and County Attorney recommendations. For example, “Electronic Equipment” 310 <br />used to have several subcategories, but now this category has been reconfigured and called “Electronic Equipment 311 <br />Manufacturing, Assembly, and Processing.” The independent uses previously listed are now defined under 312 <br />Definitions. 313 <br /> 314 <br />Lydia Wegman commented that Definitions are going to play a major role. 315 <br /> 316 <br />Michael Harvey responded that the County Attorney’s Office prefers to have the structure handled in this way. 317 <br /> 10