OCPB agenda 080217
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 080217
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OCPB minutes 080217
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<br />5 <br />Tony Blake: My view is either eliminating it from the subtext or add that something clarifying to the top. 216 <br /> 217 <br />Michael Harvey: I can’t eliminate adult daycare, childcare. I can’t eliminate that. So is there then a recommendation requesting 218 <br />the Planning Board to add the term child/adult care and educational facilities to the use category definition? 219 <br /> 220 MOTION by Kim Piracci to add the language suggested. Seconded by Lydia Wegman. 221 VOTE: 4 – 3 OPPOSED (ALEXANDER GREGORY, ANDREA ROHRBACHER, BUDDY HARTLEY) 222 <br /> 223 Inaudible 224 <br /> 225 <br />Michael Harvey continued reviewing abstract. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Tony Blake: What was the one example? Was that Del Centro? 228 <br /> 229 <br />Michael Harvey: Well I don’t even think Del Centro would be a good example. It was supposed to be this… It was supposed to 230 <br />be a cooperative where there would be shared access to materials, which again didn’t make any sense to me. It’s a school or 231 <br />it’s not a school. The fact that you’re not going to allow schools to share materials I think gets a little bit into the minutia of 232 <br />you’re telling a school they can’t share a book. So you don’t need to have some arbitrary land use category for that purpose. 233 <br /> 234 <br />Tony Blake: Yeah, it seems like a clumsy way to try to get something… 235 <br /> 236 <br />Michael Harvey: Yeah. And the problem is I don’t know what it was originally trying to get in the first place. There was an 237 <br />intention. A long time ago. I don’t know what that intention is anymore. 238 <br /> 239 <br />Randy Marshall: If you had non profit groups that were trying to help non reading adults learn how to read literacy… would that 240 <br />be under the definition of non profit education inaudible? 241 <br /> 242 <br />Michael Harvey: Not under the current definition. I would actually call that a school. Where we have school, exam prep, 243 <br />tutoring, language, driving. I would actually say it’d fall under that category versus a non-profit education cooperative. Let me 244 <br />just interject something real quick, some of the older Board members will know this: the County’s Attorney’s office has been 245 <br />incredibly anxious to eliminate references to profit and non-profit. You cannot base and shouldn’t be basing land use decisions 246 <br />on the for profit or non for profit status of an organization or an operation. It either is permitted because of its activity or not. It 247 <br />shouldn’t be permitted because it’s non-profit and then prohibited because it’s profit. So we are eliminating as best we can 248 <br />land use decisions based on ownership or based on tax status. 249 <br /> 250 <br />Randy Marshall: So school could be profit or non-profit? 251 <br /> 252 <br />Michael Harvey: Private or public, yes sir. Yeah, we do not distinguish, currently. In fact we’ve added language or are 253 <br />recommending language be added to make sure that distinction, that it’s either public or private. We don’t discriminate. 254 <br /> 255 <br />Randy Marshall: So anywhere you teach is considered a school. 256 <br /> 257 <br />Michael Harvey: Anywhere you teach where you are offering a curriculum based on the State of North Carolina standards 258 <br />curriculum where you can achieve a diploma is listed as a school; elementary, middle, and secondary public or private. A 259 <br />school where you’re doing exam prep, where you’re doing tutoring, where you’re teaching language, or driving is a school that 260 <br />falls into that category and will be allowed in several districts. 261 <br /> 262 <br />Randy Marshall: What about my example of adult literacy, which is not leading toward a diploma, it’s trying to help somebody 263 <br />who’s got to be 35 and can’t read? 264 <br /> 265 <br />Michael Harvey: Right, from my stand point that would fall into either school, the school; exam prep, tutoring, language, driving 266 <br />example, or it could even fall into the school; vocational, business, community, trade, junior, or technical. Depending on the 267 <br />aspect of the teaching it could fall into either one. 268 <br /> 269 <br /> 9
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