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<br />11 <br />Randy Marshall: It seems like to me we need to be specific as possible because there’s nothing that fires up neighborhoods 538 <br />any faster than somebody proposing a drive through anywhere within five miles of them. 539 <br /> 540 <br />Michael Harvey: Well, to be honest, there’s nothing that fires up one or two of our elected officials like the term drive through. 541 <br />We actually proposed a text amendment 2008 and Craig and I went to meetings for two years on establishing drive through 542 <br />standards and the issue was prohibit them everywhere, regulate them as follows, only allow them for certain uses, and we had 543 <br />to go through the Economic Development Commission, County Commissioners, this Board, and after two years we didn’t have 544 <br />an ordinance. 545 <br /> 546 <br />Randy Marshall: So it’s just easier to put them into different commercial categories as opposed to inaudible as a major 547 <br />category? 548 <br /> 549 <br />Michael Harvey: More or less. 550 <br /> 551 <br />Michael Harvey continued reviewing abstract. 552 <br /> 553 <br />Kim Piracci: So the way this is written now they would be able to frack in the county? 554 <br /> 555 <br />Michael Harvey: Well this way this is written now, legally, somebody could go in through with a SUP process and engage in a 556 <br />fracking operation. Right now it’s allowed. State law preempts us from having a regulation that is deemed to be overly 557 <br />prohibitive to say you can’t do it. And that’s probably what somebody would argue and we’d probably lose. 558 <br /> 559 <br />Kim Piracci: Quick and easy, there are places in California localities define more senior. 560 <br /> 561 <br />Michael Harvey: The only saving grace is that when you actually look at deposits, we’ve got nothing. 562 <br /> 563 <br />Craig Benedict: Michael, the quarry that does some processing on site, we took that through… 564 <br /> 565 <br />Tony Blake: I was going to ask about American Stone because does that qualify as processing when they’re making? 566 <br /> 567 <br />Michael Harvey: No, because all they’re taking rock and making small rock. They’re not turning it into asphalt. 568 <br /> 569 <br />Randy Marshall: But there is an asphalt plant. Is it grandfathered in? 570 <br /> 571 <br />Michael Harvey: Not at American Stone on 54. There used to be one on 57 going towards Person. That burned down and for 572 <br />the last 12 years every three years we send a note to the State telling them that there cannot be an asphalt plant at that facility 573 <br />because it’s inconsistent with out ordinance. 574 <br /> 575 <br />Randy Marshall: Well I seem to recall when I was on the Town board that there was an asphalt plant. There was a lot of 576 <br />concern about it. Just outside of Carrboro’s jurisdiction. 577 <br /> 578 <br />Craig Benedict: That was closed down and not able to be re-opened. 579 <br /> 580 <br />Michael Harvey: And we actually cover asphalt plants differently elsewhere on this. Now also remember though that under 581 <br />state law and even under our own ordinance there are uses permitted by right in every zoning district. One of them is listed in 582 <br />article 5, section 5.1 2. Uses permitted as a matter of right, bona fide farms is one, barrow pits… I actually thought there was 583 <br />something in here about bash plant concrete plant associated with a highway project. 584 <br /> 585 <br />Michael Harvey continued reviewing abstract. 586 <br /> 587 <br />Randy Marshall: Is that where your recycling centers would come in? 588 <br /> 589 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes. That’s our convenient centers. And there’s also a recycling land use category in this document. Any 590 <br />questions on that one? 591 <br /> 15