OCPB agenda 070517
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 070517
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OCPB minutes 070517
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Michael Harvey: You’ll note when we get down further with schools it used to read that school’s vocational. We’ve expanded 323 <br />that list pretty dramatically so as to make sure that we’re not eliminating somebody’s concept of what a vocational school 324 <br />would be. So it’s vocational, business, community, trade, junior college, and technical. 325 <br /> 326 <br />Randy Marshall: Should we add preschool to elementary, middle, and secondary? 327 <br /> 328 <br />Michael Harvey: Well that’s not a bad idea. My response to you though is that a preschool is technically a component of that 329 <br />land use categories defined by the state. Preschools are typically the function, or used as a function in an elementary school. 330 <br /> 331 <br />Randy Marshall: Well there are preschools that stand-alone. 332 <br /> 333 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m not disagreeing with you, but it’s part of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school system. 334 <br /> 335 <br />Randy Marshall: Well what I’m saying is that elementary doesn’t necessarily mean, doesn’t include preschool. 336 <br /> 337 <br />Michael Harvey: We can add it. Again, it’s not a bad idea, I’m giving you my reaction as well. We can add preschool, that’s not 338 <br />a problem and obviously we’re going to be making sure we’re using a term that is recognized by the state for that so that 339 <br />nobody can claim we’re doing… 340 <br /> 341 <br />Randy Marshall: Right now I think it’s mostly 3 and 4 year olds that come to preschool. 342 <br /> 343 <br />Craig Benedict: Randy, where would you think the inaudible 1:03:31 concept would fit now? It’s not really a junior college yet. 344 <br />Is it like 11th/12th grade but not considered a secondary? Middle college? 345 <br /> 346 <br />Randy Marshall: I think they’re taking courses, inaudible or technical courses, but I think it’s still considered secondary. 347 <br /> 348 <br />Michael Harvey: And that would actually, Craig, go to the State definition and I would trust your view of that more than mine 349 <br />because of your background, but I think it’s actually covered in the definition of the State component for what constituents an 350 <br />allowable secondary school. 351 <br /> 352 <br />Randy Marshall: Well if you never received a high school diploma I think you’re probably still considered a high school student. 353 <br />Secondary. 354 <br /> 355 <br />Michael Harvey: So again, school’s under vocational, we’ve expanded that use. Not only coupled components from NAICS but 356 <br />also the APA list. So where we felt the need we obviously stole from both. Here’s a question and yeah, Tony’s correct, the 357 <br />footnote for some reason is on the next page, I apologize, but universities, colleges, and institutes. I’m at a loss to explain why 358 <br />we require Class A SUP for elementary, middle, and secondary and not require the same for universities, colleges, and 359 <br />institutes. There is one caveat to that but in the State of North Carolina I can’t regulate it anyway. Do you all have any 360 <br />thoughts about that? We were going to be recommending it become a SUP with the understanding that if it is UNC, if it is a 361 <br />State institution, local zoning is more that likely preempted anyway. But for a private college or private institute we didn’t 362 <br />necessarily believe going this permitted by right with no public involvement, no review was vile. 363 <br /> 364 <br />Lydia Wegman: I agree. 365 <br /> 366 <br />Michael Harvey: But everyone understands. Well, again, I’m not trying to insult your intelligence. Everyone understands the 367 <br />conundrum I’m going to find myself in when UNC says we’re doing this here? 368 <br /> 369 <br />Lydia Wegman: We do. 370 <br /> 371 <br />Tony Blake: The question I had about that whole thing was sort of, UNC is so expansive they have an animal care facility for 372 <br />research; does that fall in this category or does that fall under? 373 <br /> 374 <br />Michael Harvey: Craig? You and I, Frank Clifton, John Roberts... 375 <br /> 376 <br /> 11 <br />
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