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<br />3 <br />Patrick Mallett: Some of these with the travel around park don’t necessarily have a clearly posted sign. And then on 108 <br />the EMS end, I think that they’re continuing to make an extraordinary effort to have their database so that they know 109 <br />if somebody’s in need of service that they know how to get there. 110 <br /> 111 <br />Paul Guthrie: It’s my impression that a lot of the older parks really got their push at the end of World War II, and you 112 <br />can see units that have been there since WWII. How do we watch that to see if it’s still maintained and we try to save 113 <br />it as quality standards, or not? 114 <br /> 115 <br />Patrick Mallett: Well, maybe what we’ll do is go through the power point and then come back to that part of it. But 116 <br />Mobile homes are a little bit different in the sense that it is build to a HUD standard, it actually has a metal placard 117 <br />that has a serial number kind of like a VIN number and you can change the mount. So theoretically you could have a 118 <br />40-year old unit, singlewide, you yank out the skirting, the underpinning and then replace it with a new one as long as 119 <br />it fits within the space. 120 <br /> 121 <br />Paul Guthrie: The other question; you mentioned the enforcement of federal protection. Given the turmoil in 122 <br />Washington right now, what do you do if standards get eliminated? 123 <br /> 124 <br />Michael Harvey: You never say never, but the definitional constitutes a certified manufactured house will never 125 <br />change from this notion of it is a self contained engineered structure that can withstand X capacity. And that’s infinite. 126 <br />That’s never going to change. And that ultimately is what we’re looking for in terms of this is a manufactured home by 127 <br />HUD’s definition. 128 <br /> 129 <br />Paul Guthrie: And on a curveball, environmental standards in today’s announcement from the EPA and as a couple 130 <br />of us here are ex EPA employees there are standards in EPA relative to water and to wastewater. Who would 131 <br />enforce them if they were withdrawn? 132 <br /> 133 <br />Michael Harvey: There still have to be permitting for water/wastewater. 134 <br /> 135 <br />Paul Guthrie: So you would re-permit on existing units? 136 <br /> 137 <br />Alan Clapp: So this covers the land use zoning comp plan parts of this that our intent is to make it coincide with other 138 <br />regulations at the State and Federal level and not get in the way. Those are going to change over time, as they 139 <br />always have, but this deals with your permits, your zoning and compliance permits, your planning approvals. You still 140 <br />have to go through and meet inspections, building permits, electrical permits, you have to go through Environmental 141 <br />Health to get your water and septic hooks up and so on and so forth. So this is one part in all of the myriad of 142 <br />requirements that you have to meet. So I would say that they’re most closely aligned with the Federal… 143 <br /> 144 <br />Paul Guthrie: I’ll let you get back to your discussion, I’m just throwing it out because I think there’s going to be a 145 <br />period of time where it’s going to be difficult to mesh some of the Federal standards that have been changed with 146 <br />what we have done as normal business for a long time. And since we’re in the process I just wanted to raise the 147 <br />issue. We should carefully see that we can still continue to do the maximum, especially on sanitary issues, on our 148 <br />own with or without the Federal government. 149 <br /> 150 <br />Alan Clapp: Currently Environmental Health, for all the mobile home parks that are on well, septic, or one or the other 151 <br />we angle inspection of the park. So that inspection involves walking the entire park, making sure all the systems are 152 <br />functioning, and taking a water sample. Even under the current administration just this year there was a change in 153 <br />that a total coliform hit on a water sample is now not necessarily a stop the presses, put boil water notices up. It used 154 <br />to be that that was the case, even under current administration that’s changed. So there’s no telling what’s going to 155 <br />happen under the next administration. But if it’s a fecal coliform on the water then the boil water notices come up. Of 156 <br />the 90 some parks we inspect about 70 of them the others are all water and sewer. And then to your second 157 <br />question; we do the annual park inspection and then if a model is moved off and another goes on we do a space 158 <br />inspection to make sure that that space will fit in the given slot and not be over the well or septic system, and that the 159 <br />system is functioning. So we do a park and a space inspection. 160 <br /> 161 <br /> 8