Agenda - 01-24-2005-5g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-24-2005
Agenda - 01-24-2005-5g
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Attachment 1 <br /> <br />Key Changes from 1993 to the Present <br />Department of Human Rights Major Functions & Responsibilities <br />Function Key Change Example <br />Commissions: Increase assistance to the Commissions Both Commissions currently have substantive projects <br />Women in developing community connections involving women's rights and human rights, in <br />Human Relations and in accomplishing Commission addition to their regularly scheduled activities, <br /> goals on more substantive projects. including; "Where My Feet Have Gone Where My <br /> Feet Are Taking Me," The Vagina Monologues, <br /> Marriage Equality Discussions etc <br />Enforcement Incorporate intake and referral to the Processed four-employment discrimination intakes <br /> EEOC rather than in-house based on gender and sent them to the EEOC since the <br /> enforcement efforts while continuing to inception of the program in 2004. Implemented <br /> enforce housing and public education initiative at EI Centro Latino that has <br /> accommodations portions of the resulted in four fair housing complaints since May <br /> Ordinance, Increase education on fair 2004 and 13 inquiries from individuals who report <br /> housing and equal employment being too frightened to complain. <br /> opportunity. <br />Education and Implement new efforts toward Currently developing program with El Centro Latino <br />Outreach education and outreach to increase educating advocates on employee rights under Fair <br /> awareness of other civil rights Labor Standards Act, Wage & Hour, Occupational <br /> protections and issues. Safety & Health Act, Title VII, Immigration Reform <br /> and Control Act etc This program has provided <br /> successful resolution for eight Latino families since <br /> it's inception May 2004. <br />Training Implement new training initiatives to Recently created training to Dismantle Oppression in <br /> address issues of racism, sexism, conjunction with the Dispute Settlement Center <br /> classism, and homophobia proactively- entitled, "Closing the Achievement Gap by <br /> Uncovering Power Prejudice and Privilege." Trained <br /> teachers at New Hope Elementary and Orange County <br /> Schools Administrators during Leadership Retreat. <br />Research Provide in-depth research on civil and Cononissions have erpressed interest in conducting <br /> human rights issues as identified by the research on topics the effects of racism and <br /> Commissions and the BOCC. immigration, aging and discrimination on Orange <br /> County populations. <br />Policy Provide guidance or technical At the request of a local nonprofit, provided technical <br />Guidance/Iechnieal consultation on civil/human rights assistance on compliance with the Americans With <br />Consultation related issues at the request of the Disabilities Act, specifically regarding requirements <br /> BOCC, Orange County Departments to reasonably accommodate disabled employees. At <br /> and community based agencies. the request of a local nonprofit, provided assistance <br /> with Board Development. <br />I imited English Develop program, policies and At the request of the Director's of the Department's of <br />Proficiency procedures to improve access to Social Services and Health, began process of <br /> government services for Limited developing a certification standard for interpreters and <br /> English Proficient communities. translators in conjunction with CHICLE and the <br /> County Manager's Office. <br />Information and Develop a comprehensive civillhuman Many individuals' call the Department with civil and <br />Referral rights information and referral system human rights related concerns. Dhe Deparinnent staff <br /> including personal contacts and is working on developing relationships with <br /> mechanism for regular updating appropriate state andfederal agencies to successfully <br /> referclients. The Deparnnent .staflsintheprocessof <br /> identifying agencies, their services and bilingual <br /> contacts for civil rights referrals <br />Administration Same Same <br />Items in italic font are examples of anticipated work. Items in regular font are examples of current work. <br />Attachment 2 provides a comprehensive review and comparison of all Departmental functions,
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