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<br />5 <br />space and combine with other septic systems. It’s not a package plan, it’s not a community system, but there’s a 215 <br />deeded area out there that’s made this fenced in and I basically own the deed but the HOA has the open space. 216 <br /> 217 <br />Lisa Stuckey: The tank? 218 <br /> 219 <br />Patrick Mallett: No. You would buy your house. I would buy lot 1 and I would build my home and the builder would 220 <br />be responsible for installing the tank and then gets hooked up to the tank system and then it either goes gravity flow 221 <br />or it gets pumped through a trench that has lines. To meet a state standard they have to be labeled a certain way, 222 <br />the trench has to be constructed a certain way and then it goes out to the drain field. But specifically, physically, 223 <br />legally lot1/lot 1A it goes out to that drain field. 224 <br /> 225 <br />Kim Piracci: So 1A is a piece of the drain field? Everybody has a piece of it? 226 <br /> 227 <br />Patrick Mallett: Yeah. So if I bought lot 2 then I would have lot 2 and then 2A would be my area so there’s direct 228 <br />accountability. The probably with a community package systems is that it’s kind of an all or nothing proposition. If 229 <br />the system fails everybody goes down. With this, it’s the same as if it was on the lot and one of he benefits is… So 230 <br />I’ve got a 5 acre lot and I know where my drain field is, pretty much but I’ve got 5 kids that like to play football… I 231 <br />would rather that area be in an open space where it’s there’s no ambiguity to be fenced in and maintained. 232 <br /> 233 <br />Patrick Mallett showed schematics. 234 <br /> 235 <br />Kim Piracci: But no trees. Is that sort of the idea as well? 236 <br /> 237 <br />Patrick Mallett: Yeah. You don’t want to have infiltration. There are systems that you can work around trees but 238 <br />ideally you wouldn’t want a tree. 239 <br /> 240 <br />Patrick Mallett continued presentation. 241 <br /> 242 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Can you explain that first one? 243 <br /> 244 <br />Patrick Mallett: So there’s no incentive for you to do a flexible design on a minor subdivision. Technically, you can 245 <br />dedicate open space today but there’s no reason for.. You’re not going to get any benefit out of it from a regulatory 246 <br />standpoint. With this provision you can go above 5 lots but you’re going to have to provide open space and other 247 <br />measures to best take care of… It wouldn’t be against the increase because, quite honestly, I would say your 248 <br />average minor subdivision probably leaves 50% of the theoretical allowed density on the table because they don’t 249 <br />want to make that leap into a major subdivision. 250 <br /> 251 <br />Craig Benedict: If I can summarize, the incentive is you have a staff approval for more lots down there so people 252 <br />would be very encouraged to have that staff approval and do a minor subdivision. They’re not gaining any more lots 253 <br />as we say. In the past you could only do 5 by staff approval, now you can go up to 12. 254 <br /> 255 <br />Patrick Mallett: Yeah. The reason we picked 12 is because once you go above 12 you have to have a public street. 256 <br />And so another example is, in the current UDO, if you do a private street and you go above 4 lots you have to go 257 <br />through what I call a Chinese menu of requirements that allow you to do a private street and there are things like 258 <br />double the minimum lot size, double the setbacks, increase your stream buffers by 125% and things that you can’t 259 <br />really do that and have a flexible development that encourages open space. 260 <br /> 261 <br />Kim Piracci: So developers won’t have to come to you and get special permission, up to 12 lots? 262 <br /> 263 <br />Patrick Mallett: They would go through the minor subdivision process. You have to get a Concept Plan approved by 264 <br />the Development Advisory Committee, the Preliminary Plan reviewed and approved by the Development Advisory 265 <br />Committee, and then prepare a plat. 266 <br /> 267 <br />Craig Benedict: But you won’t have to go in front of the commissioners. 268 <br /> 9