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2 <br /> <br /> <br /> Other: <br /> <br />B. RATIONALE <br />1. Purpose/Mission <br />In order to better promote economic development opportunities in the Hillsborough <br />Economic Development District (EDD), the Planning Director is suggesting <br />consideration of UDO text amendments to modify development standards, types of <br />permitted uses, and use standards. <br /> <br />2. Analysis <br />Text modifications to existing standards that regulate development in the <br />Hillsborough EDD would aid the County in promoting economic development <br />opportunities within the EDD. Plans for County investment in water and sewer <br />infrastructure to parcels south of Interstate 40 and in the vicinity of Old Highway 86 <br />are underway and these UDO text amendments focus on this geographic area. <br />Funding for the infrastructure expansion is from Article 46 sales tax money which is <br />to be used for economic development purposes. <br /> <br />The proposed text amendments would allow for more projects, including mixed <br />development projects, to be permitted “by-right”, subject to all applicable standards <br />contained within the UDO. The amendments would also remove single-family and <br />duplex residential uses as by-right permitted uses within the Hillsborough EDD. This <br />action would preserve expected water and sewer capacity within the EDD for non- <br />residential uses. Additionally, multi-family uses would be permitted by-right only if the <br />use is a small part of a mixed-use development project. Residential-only projects or <br />projects exceeding the proposed multi-family square footage limitation could <br />potentially be permitted in the Hillsborough EDD if approved as an MPD-CZ or <br />Conditional Use District. <br /> <br />Retail uses are proposed to be added as by-right permitted uses in the EDH-4 and <br />EDH-5 zoning districts. Currently, no lands are zoned EDH-4 or EDH-5. Retail uses <br />would be permitted by-right only if they are part of a mixed use development project <br />and would be subject to square footage limitations. Stand-alone retail uses could <br />potentially be permitted in the Hillsborough EDD if approved as an MPD-CZ or <br />Conditional Use District. <br /> <br />Other modifications to the Table of Permitted Uses (Section 5.2.2) have been <br />proposed and are included in the amendment package in Attachment 3. Additionally, <br />in response to comments made at the September 12, 2016 quarterly public hearing <br />regarding the removal of certain uses listed in the NAICS Code from consideration in <br />the Hillsborough EDD, the Tables of Permitted Uses for General Use Districts (5.2.1) <br />and Conditional Zoning Distracts (5.2.3) have also been suggested for modifications. <br />These modifications have been proposed because the Attorney’s office has <br />suggested that the way in which Manufacturing uses are listed should be consistent <br />among the various tables. <br /> 13