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<br />14 <br /> 702 <br />Craig Benedict: And what we do if there’s comments that come from the public, in the future public hearing on 703 <br />September 12th the Commissioners can say, “ Craig and Staff, can you provide a report about how this would be 704 <br />accomplished”. It doesn’t mean they’d want us to proceed or not, and to come up with what departments are 705 <br />involved, what maps have to change, and we give that back to them on what we call a future amendment outline. 706 <br />An outline of how’d we’d get it done and that we involved Hillsborough, etcetera. And then we bring that back to 707 <br />them and the public’s available to talk at those meetings, also. And they say please proceed or not proceed. It is an 708 <br />overlapping, multi layer process, as Perdita said. 709 <br /> 710 <br />Perdita Holtz: What happens here does get presented at the public hearing, and the Minutes for this meeting are 711 <br />included, so the BOCC will be aware that that’s something that you brought up. 712 <br /> 713 <br />Nathan Robinson: Okay, because we literally just bought the property 6 months ago. We literally were playing with 714 <br />the plans to put single-family residences here. And just for the sake of everyone else, we have spoken with Perdita 715 <br />and Craig. So we had to modify our plans based on what the wave of the future is. We get that, and that’s cool but 716 <br />as we modify we don’t want to get stuck between a hard decisions if say this is going to stay R1 forever. Because 717 <br />then we feel like we’re going to get stuck with our only use being our one usage, but that’s not what the whole 718 <br />quadrant is tending toward. 719 <br /> 720 <br />Lydia Wegman: Thank you. 721 <br /> 722 <br />Franklin Garland: I have a quick question. How hard is it to get land use changed? I mean, my farm is for sale. But 723 <br />I’ve been approached by people that want it for commercial property. 724 <br /> 725 <br />Perdita Holtz: It requires the same type of process that we’re going through now. If you wanted to do it as an 726 <br />individual… 727 <br /> 728 <br />Franklin Garland: But the same thing as Nathan’s, it’s like being between a rock and a hard place. 729 <br /> 730 <br />Perdita Holtz: Any property owner can apply to amend any of these documents. The land use plan, the zoning map, 731 <br />the UDO. In order to have the County do a County initiated action it’s something that we can potentially talk about. I 732 <br />can tell you that a County initiated amendment will take more than a year. 733 <br /> 734 <br />Lydia Wegman: Thank you. Do you have any discussion? 735 <br /> 736 <br />Paul Guthrie: I’m still unsure exactly. I would comment that I think if we can avoid stacking so many of these things 737 <br />on a meeting at one time, I understand there were reasons for that, it would be helpful. After 200 pages of material 738 <br />of which was changed at least twice and reading it, coming here and then having 2 hours of discussion, I still feel 739 <br />uncomfortable. And I’m not sure exactly, when you ask for my vote, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. It’s not that 740 <br />I’m for or against, I’m just not sure in my own mind exactly what the best option is given all of the variables that are 741 <br />involved. So I just want to state that. 742 <br /> 743 <br />Kim Piracci: I’m just clarifying a question, all these changes are being driven by the desire to increase the tax base; 744 <br />is that correct? 745 <br /> 746 <br />Perdita Holtz: They’re being pursued to diversify the tax base, not necessarily increase it. 747 <br /> 748 <br />Tony Blake: In other words, to have the County less reliant on residential housing taxes, and have a little more 749 <br />diversity in the base. In case there’s changes in the economy you have less of an impact. 750 <br /> 751 <br />Craig Benedict: And the underlying analysis is non-residential property pays more taxes than it costs in services. So 752 <br />there’s a little bonus there. And residential, in most cases, costs more than what we get in tax, unless it’s a real 753 <br />expensive house. So Orange County is overly reliant on their residential property owners to provide those services 754 <br />that everybody loves. And that’s for schools, that’s for social services and health services. So our comprehensive 755 <br /> 18