Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D970A62 -10C1- 4949 - 9224- E9F2ADB7D568 <br />results, and recommendations. The management summary will be delivered to Orange County <br />within 15 working days after the completion of fieldwork via email. <br />Following completion of analyses, a report will be prepared detailing the results of the field <br />investigation. The report will detail the results of the background research, fieldwork, and <br />laboratory analysis. The report will be illustrated with photographs and drawings of sites and <br />artifacts, as needed, and will conform to the reporting standards presented in the North <br />Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) guidelines. In addition to the report, NC OSA <br />archaeological site forms will be completed for each recorded site. <br />The report will include the following key elements: results of background research, <br />archaeological site significance assessment and NRHP recommendations, scale mapping and <br />locational information; and additional work recommendations, if any. <br />H. DELIVERABLES <br />Deliverables under this contract will include the following. <br />• Dated management summary reporting the results of the intensive C &A survey <br />delivered via email. <br />• Two initial copies of the draft report on the intensive C &A survey for Orange County <br />review with completed North Carolina Archaeological Site Forms via email. <br />• Four copies of the final C &A report on medium - weight bond paper, bound or <br />stapled, after all review comments have been addressed. <br />I. SCHEDULE <br />Legacy will proceed with this project in an expeditious manner once the Notice to Proceed (NTP) <br />is received. Fieldwork will be completed with two weeks after NTP. The management <br />summaries will be submitted within 15 days of the completion of fieldwork. The draft final <br />report and North Carolina Archaeological Site Forms will be submitted within five weeks of the <br />completion of fieldwork. The final report will be submitted within two weeks of the receipt of <br />Orange County comments. <br />J. RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND COLLECTION <br />Legacy will store all artifacts and records resulting from the investigations undertaken under <br />this Scope of Work. They will be stored temporarily until the appropriate final curation facility <br />is determined. Artifacts recovered during the investigation will be labeled and boxed according <br />to curation guidelines of the North Carolina OSA. All records, photographs, drawings, and <br />electronic media produced or obtained under this Scope of Work will be the property of Orange <br />County. <br />K. ASSUMPTIONS <br />This proposal is based on the following: <br />1. The project area has at least 2 acres that have been extensively disturbed by past <br />building and /or road construction or have eroded soils. <br />2. No more than one site will be need to be evaluated. <br />