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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> January 24, 2018 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2018 Agenda & Abstracts/ January Page 4 <br />• Total Health Department Revenue: Average YTD monthly revenue in FY18 after the second <br /> quarter is $211/month and totals $1.3M YTD, representing 39.7% of our overall budgeted <br /> revenue for the year. The total second quarter revenue is slightly skewed down due to the <br /> majority of state funds not eligible to be drawn in July (this is typical) but we are trending <br /> higher than we were at this time last fiscal year ($1.2M). Expenses are higher than revenues <br /> at 44.3% of the total, overall budget. <br /> <br />• Total Billing Accuracy: Continuing with the goal of 90% billing accuracy set in FY 14-15, the <br /> average billing accuracy rate for medical after the second quarter is 91% as compared to <br /> 95% in FY 16-17 and the average rate for dental for second quarter FY 17-18 is 103% as <br /> compared to 104% in FY 16-17. Dental billing accuracy data for December is unavailable <br /> while we are going through a system upgrade. <br /> <br />• Dental Earned Revenue by Source: The FY 17-18 average monthly revenue ($38.1/month) <br /> for the second quarter is below our budget projection ($43.4k/month) and our FY 16-17 <br /> average of $39.8k/month. FY 17-18 dental earned revenue totaled $234k at the end of the <br /> second quarter. <br /> <br />• Medical Earned Revenue by Source: Medical earned revenue is currently below the <br /> budgeted projection for FY 17-18 ($57.1k/month) at $54.1k/month since we had a provider <br /> on maternity leave until the end of December. Medical clinic revenue totals $325k for <br /> second quarter FY 17-18. <br /> <br />Ms. Crawford added that the FY 18-19 budget presentation will take next month’s meeting. <br /> <br />VI. Reports and Disccussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. Health Director Report <br /> <br />In addition to the report, Ms. Stewart deferred to Donna King who briefly gave an explanation as <br />to what the Poverty Simulation entails and that it is in the process of being rescheduled. Ms. <br />Stewart stated that La Toya Strange will notify the Board once a rescheduled date has been <br />confirmed with Ashley Rawlingson, the Healthy Carolinians Coordinator. Ms. Stewart also have <br />a brief update on the whooping cough cases. It is also believed that the vaccine’s immunity has <br />weaned over time which is not uncommon. Pam McCall added that it is recommended that <br />pregnant women receive a Tdap with every pregnancy. Lastly, Coby Austin Jansen informed <br />the Board that an invitation to apply for the Keenan Charitable Trust was extended. <br /> <br />B. Media Items <br /> <br />In addition to a brief review of the types of articles included in the packet, Ms. Prelipp informed <br />the Board that she will send them notification of any television interviews so that they are aware <br />prior to the community. <br /> <br />Media items were in the packet which focused on Orange County’s events and our <br />involvement in various efforts. <br /> <br /> <br />VII. Board Comments. <br /> <br />None.