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making it easier to accept. A border adjustment tax would keep businesses from moving oversees and <br />may encourage other countries to levy their own fees. <br />This is a market-based solution that places a minimal regulatory burden on businesses, and is revenue <br />neutral in that it gives all the collected money back to the people, minus administrative costs. This <br />initiative would not grow the size of government which would be a non-starter for some political groups. <br />This approach has allowed this strategy to collect initial bipartisan support from groups such as the <br />Climate Solutions Caucus of the US House of Representatives. <br />Carrboro has officially supported this strategy and Chapel Hill is either looking at this or has already <br />passed it. Pittsburgh and Chicago have also signed on. <br />Piracci asked what percent of the money collected is expected to go to administrative costs. Maxwell <br />replied that they expect it will be approximately 8% in the first few years moving down to 2% once the <br />program is established. Piracci then asked if this proposal would encourage natural gas usage and as a <br />result, increase fracking. Maxwell responded saying that even if natural gas was a cheaper energy <br />source than coal, it would still get more expensive over time so there will be a strong disincentive from <br />using it instead of renewable energy sources. Ward asked if CCL was pushing to remove the tax <br />incentives given to the petroleum industry. Maxwell did not know if that was a focus. Staff will scan <br />materials distributed at the meeting and send them to the CFE members. <br />8:30 VI. Committee Meetings <br />Committee’s met briefly and reconvened to discuss the ideas they’d generated. Staff volunteered to <br />collect and track these ideas and to get guidance from Orange County Community Relations department <br />staff about the type and amount of material that would be most useful to them for publication in the <br />Orange County newsletter or elsewhere. <br />9:00 VII. Revised 2018 CFE Activities and Concerns <br />Several of the newest CFE members expressed concerns that the CFE’s planned activities and focus <br />areas lacked the detail needed for implementation. Staff indicated that they would distribute the CFE’s <br />2018 workplan to the members and suggested that this workplan implementation and tracking <br />discussion be continued as an agenda item at the next meeting. <br />9:10 VIII. Updates and Information Items <br />Staff and/or CFE members will provide updates on the following items: <br /> Continuing Action Items from previous CFE meetings: <br /> Article about, and US Army Corps of Engineers response to DWR about, proposed Jordan Lake <br />demonstration project (Attachment 4) <br /> SELC 2015 comments on Draft EIS for Durham Orange Light Rail Project (Attachment 5) <br /> 2018 CFE Meeting Calendar (Attachment 6)