Agenda - 12-13-2005-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-13-2005
Agenda - 12-13-2005-9b
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8/29/2008 2:25:32 PM
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8/29/2008 9:59:40 AM
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2005 NS Aging MOU between TTA & OPTfor Public Route Service between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
Minutes - 20051213
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Staffing for Proposed Public Route <br />To operate the current Hillsborough to Chapel Hill route since its inception (dating back five plus <br />years), OPT has used temporary funds in its budget to hire up to three temporary part time <br />drivers, Two of these employees (one who has now left County employment) were among the <br />long term (more then one year) temporary employees discussed with the Board during the <br />earlier Board work session on temporary employment, Now, with expanded service hours, the <br />opportunity for this route to become an on-going service, and the need the County recognizes <br />to avoid use of long term temporary employees tc address ongoing needs, staff is <br />recommending the addition of one permanent full time position and one permanent part time <br />(20 -hour) driver position to service the new route, beginning in January 2006, Having these <br />permanent positions will eliminate the use of long term temporary employment in this situation, <br />Temporary hires will continue to be used on a limited hour basis (15 hours or less as provided <br />in the County Personnel Ordinance) to meet OPT's obligations under the American with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA), i.e., to provide specialized transit services to disabled residents within the <br />proposed route corridor on request. <br />Passenger Vehicle for the New Route <br />Additionally, TTA has offered to sell Orange County, at a significant discount, the larger 28- <br />passengervehicle equipped with a fare box collection device so customers can use swipe cards <br />as allowed on other TTA routes to provide seamless service (see Attachment 4). l-fA does not <br />at present have an alternative ftael bus with fare box to make available to OPT for this route, <br />and the cost to acquire a new vehicle so equipped is estimated at $99,950, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Should the Board approve the new TrA/OPT Express Route as outlined <br />above, to begin January 2006, the anticipated cost of the proposed TTA/OPT Express Route <br />totals $87,090 for the balance of Fiscal Year 2005-06, Nan-county funds totaling $68,468 along <br />with $12,822 in County funds would cover the costs of the proposed service. The County share <br />compares to $15,240 currently budgeted to cover the casts of the existing OPT Express Route <br />- a savings of $2,418 in County funds. In addition, the cost of purchasing a TTA vehicle to <br />provide the service totals $5,800. Funding for the vehicle purchase would came from revenue <br />generated by OPT's sale of under-utilized vans to the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation. Therefore, no County funds would be required to complete the purchase, <br />Staff anticipates the total cost to provide the service far a full year, beginning with fiscal year <br />2006-2007, would be around $162,580. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board <br />1, Authorize Triangle Transit Authority and Orange Public Transportation to enter into a <br />MOU to jointly fund (75 percent/25 percent, respectively) and for OPT to operate the <br />Hillsborough to Chapel Hill public route, pending final review and approval by Orange <br />County Management and County Attorney; <br />2. Approve the addition of one full time permanent (40 hour) and one part time permanent <br />position (20 hour), subject to continued MOU funding, to operate the route; and <br />3. Approve the acquisition of the Triangle Transit Authority vehicle for use on the route., <br />
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