Orange County NC Website
~~'~+R"s"~~, State of North Carolina <br />~,~ ~~~~~ <br />~,.y~;;,•• Department of State Treasurer <br />ttIDnnan tt. naooRS SC¢te ¢rtid Local Government P'iia¢nce Division <br />'rt2cnsuRCa wad the Local Gouerrrment Conromission <br />November 28, 2005 <br />TO: County and School Board Officials and Certified Public Accountants <br />FROM: T. Vance Hollomatr, Director <br />Fiscal Management Section <br />SUBJECT: Sales Tax Refunds and Motor Vehicle Property Taxes <br />Sales Tax Refunds <br />3 <br />During the 2005 legislative session, the General Assembly tools action to amend G.S. <br />164.4{c) to delete local school administrative units (LhAs) from those governmental entities <br />eligible to receive a sales tax refund. This change is effective dui°ing the current fiscal year, <br />so L1;As may claim a refund of sales taxes paid during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005,. <br />However, as G.S. 164 4(c) is currently written, L);As can not claim a refund for subsequent <br />years. <br />Action was also taken to require the Department of Revenue to deposit to the State Public <br />School Pund each quarter an amount equal to the one-fourth of the prior year refund of <br />sales taxes paid to LhAs 1ffective July 1, 200G, that amount will be equal to the refunds <br />paid for the 2005 fiscal year adjusted by increases or decreases in State sales tax <br />collections. These funds will be distributed to L1JAs on the basis of average daily <br />membership. <br />We are aware of speculation that G.S. 1644(c) may be amended to permit L);As to claim <br />refunds for local sales taxes paid. If this change does occur we will inform local officials. <br />The LGC issued Memorandum No, 859 on October 16, 1997 which addresses the <br />circumstances under which sales taxes paid for the construction of school facilities, as well <br />as for the purchase of tangible property, by a county for a L);A are eligible for a refund of <br />sales tax under G. S 105-164.14(c), At the time that Memorandum was issued L1/As were <br />not among the governmental units that could claim a sales tax refund.. <br />Memorandum No. 859 stated that render the provisions of G S. 115C-521 and 522 LJ;As are <br />responsible for the construction of school facilities and the purchase of supplies and <br />materials. The fact that a county might issue a check in payment to a vendor° for the <br />construction of school Facilities or the purchase of tangible property for the L);A does not <br />result in the county assuming responsibility for those tasks. Two provisions of the General <br />Statutes make it possible for a county to assume this responsibility for a local board of <br />education. The fixst is the authorization under G, S 153A-158.1 for counties to acquire <br />property for use by a Li•;A. The second way in which a county can assume this <br />responsibility for a LRA is through an inter-local cooperation agreement between the <br />