OCPB agenda 010616
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 010616
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3/8/2018 11:40:56 AM
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3/8/2018 11:37:01 AM
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OCPB minutes 010616
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2016
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104 <br />Lydia Wegman: Could you review the setbacks? 105 <br /> 106 <br />Michael Harvey: We have recommended that anyone engaging in shooting activities to be located a minimum of 300 107 <br />feet away from all property lines, rights-of-ways or easements; be located a minimum of 1,000 feet from occupied 108 <br />dwelling units that are external to the property and be directed into a projectile proof backstop. We added language 109 <br />to the proposal indicating if you are engaging in shooting activities indoors required setback changes to the activity 110 <br />only having to be 100 feet from all property lines and the shot has to be kept in the structure. We have 111 <br />recommended hours of operation for the discharge of firearms and obviously we have also recommended the posting 112 <br />of warning signs and the maintenance of a land use buffer around the area where outdoor target shooting is 113 <br />occurring. We also have provisions in the ordinance that incidental discharge of a firearm, the discharge of a firearm 114 <br />in self-defense, or engaging in target shooting activities on a parcel of property less than 2 days a month is permitted. 115 <br /> 116 <br />Lydia Wegman: Does anyone have any concerns or questions about the information presented by Michael? 117 <br /> 118 <br />Laura Nicholson: I think that there should definitely be a backstop requirement for shooting. 119 <br /> 120 <br />Lydia Wegman: I agree. I think that the safety of the citizens is the most important issue. 121 <br /> 122 <br />Maxecine Mitchell: Will the Sherriff office still respond to calls about shooting on private property with this 123 <br />amendment? 124 <br /> 125 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes, the sheriff deputies will still respond when called about shots fired. 126 <br /> 127 <br />Buddy Hartley: The Sheriff Deputies are going to come out to any call. If you call and say my neighbor is shooting 128 <br />they have got to come out. 129 <br /> 130 <br />Paul Guthrie: The Sheriff’s Department is not going to be enforcing the land use that is disturbing a neighbor or 131 <br />potential harm to the neighbor. It’s going to be a question of noise and stuff like. 132 <br /> 133 <br />Michael Harvey: Correct, we are not asking the Sheriff’s Office to enforce a land use component. 134 <br /> 135 <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: I think what really needs to happen is they need to consider the source of the complaint. 136 <br /> 137 <br />Laura Nicholson: I agree with Andrea but I think that the recommendation made would be suitable for everyone. I 138 <br />would still like to see involvement from the Sherriff Department on where they stand with the issue. 139 <br /> 140 <br />Lydia Wegman: Should we make a motion to approve or does anyone have any other questions or concerns? 141 <br /> 142 MOTION made by Lydia Wegman to approve text amendment. Seconded by Laura Nicholson and Buddy Hartley 143 VOTE: Unanimous 144 <br /> 145 AGENDA ITEM 8: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT - To make a 146 <br />recommendation to the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO 147 <br />regarding sexually oriented businesses. This item was heard at the November 23, 2015 148 <br />quarterly public hearing 149 PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 150 <br /> 151 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed abstract 152 <br /> 153 <br />Patricia Roberts: What is the point of regulating such businesses? 154 <br /> 155 <br />Michael Harvey: For the same reasons we regulate other businesses. We want to ensure there is a balance allowing 156 <br />for reasonable use of property. Sexually oriented businesses have identified secondary impacts that can affect 157 <br /> 9
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