OCPB agenda 120215
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
OCPB agenda 120215
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3/7/2018 4:24:33 PM
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3/7/2018 4:21:37 PM
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OCPB minutes 120215
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Minutes\2015
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108 AGENDA ITEM 3: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS- AIRPORTS 109 TO REVIEW AND COMMENT UPON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE UDO REGARDING AIRPORT 110 <br />REGULATIONS 111 <br /> PRESENTER: MICHAEL HARVEY 112 <br /> 113 <br />Michael Harvey: Reviewed abstract 114 <br /> 115 <br />Paul Guthrie: A good significant part of southern Orange County is in a very high air traffic corridor. Is there any 116 <br />reason it isn’t mentioned that it could be comply with all necessary planning to avoid conflict. 117 <br /> 118 <br />Michael Harvey: That’s why we mention FAA Standards. They are the ones who have jurisdiction over the air travel 119 <br />ways. 120 <br /> 121 <br />Paul Guthrie: There are at least two places in southern Orange County that have airports but they are not currently 122 <br />operating. Are they grandfathered in? 123 <br /> 124 <br />Michael Harvey: I would probably argue that they are not grandfathered in unless they are active. What I would also 125 <br />say though is if it’s a private air field remember that the non-conforming section of the unified development ordinance 126 <br />mandates that if you have a legal land use you’re deemed to have your permits. 127 <br /> 128 <br />Lydia Wegman: Are there many private airports right now in the county? 129 <br /> 130 <br />Michael Harvey: There is rumored to be about three. 131 <br /> 132 <br />James Lea: Is that the case on Efland-Cedar Grove Road? 133 <br /> 134 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes 135 <br /> 136 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Is the Chapel Hill Airport being used at all? 137 <br /> 138 <br />Michael Harvey: It is still in use and I think you’re looking at it being there for quite a while. 139 <br /> 140 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Well they will go away with it if they do Carolina North because the runway is the main street. 141 <br /> 142 <br />Craig Benedict: Until they get enough funding to get Carolina North moving they will probably keep it open until they 143 <br />foresee the development work. 144 <br /> 145 <br />Michael Harvey: I’ll just stress obviously the genesis of this was to address the fact that our regulations would not 146 <br />properly regulate a new airport facility because they were outdated and this is an attempt obviously to bring it up-to-147 <br />date. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Lisa Stuckey: I could see people getting pretty upset if there was a commercial airport nearby. 150 <br /> 151 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: With regard to the drones for commercial purposes, does that mean if a farmer has a drone that is 152 <br />used to check his crops that he is going to have to fill this out? 153 <br /> 154 <br />Michael Harvey: No, because farms are exempt from zoning. 155 <br /> 156 <br />Michael Harvey: As part of this proposal we are recommending that there be a pre-application submittal requirement. 157 <br />Specifically, if someone wants to develop a general aviation air field they have to get a letter to use with sufficient 158 <br />documentation showing where the airport’s going to be and showing the development of the airport. We are going to 159 <br />have an initial public information meeting. This is going to be in addition to neighborhood meeting that is required. 160 <br /> 161 <br /> 7
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