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Ashley Moncado: In theory, possibly. If they met the health and environmental standards to put the temporary 54 <br />structure on the property I don’t know if there is anything we could do to enforce it until we receive a complaint. 55 <br /> 56 <br />Paul Guthrie: I’m not advocating restricting it; I’m just trying to get the definition. 57 <br /> 58 <br />Ashley Moncado: The session law is a little vague regarding that. 59 <br /> 60 <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: A person from another state comes to get care here needs to have a North Carolina license 61 <br />provider for prescriptions. How is this going to cover that situation? 62 <br /> 63 <br />Perdita Holtz: That’s not something we would enforce through land use laws. 64 <br /> 65 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: It sounds to me like there are two problems. One is the decision to bring someone in and once 66 <br />they get here they are going to find local medical help. I’m noticing in this there is really no protection for somebody 67 <br />using it as a business and there is also no protection for elderly abuse. 68 <br /> 69 <br />Ashley Moncado: Those were also concerns of ours. To be honest you could have the relationship requirement and 70 <br />then you could have a child abusing a parent. 71 <br /> 72 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: One would hope with these amendments there might be some accompanying ordinances that 73 <br />would cover it. 74 <br /> 75 <br />Ashley Moncado: I will be following up with the Department of Aging to see if they came across anything. 76 <br /> 77 <br />Craig Benedict: Any application we get for this, we could share that with the Health Department, Aging Department, 78 <br />and Social Services. They may want to monitor something. 79 <br /> 80 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: I think you’re right on the money with working the Department of Aging. With ordinances they can 81 <br />figure out if there is some way to run a background check on them. 82 <br /> 83 <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: If the area where the structure was to be located happened to be a subdivision that had 84 <br />covenants what happens to the covenants? 85 <br /> 86 <br />Ashley Moncado: They have to meet the covenants’ restrictions. 87 <br /> 88 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: It sounds like we are taking it a little bit further in saying instead of just learning how to live with 89 <br />what the State has mandated, let’s see if we can’t solve a bigger problem. 90 <br /> 91 <br />Paul Guthrie: I think we do what we can do under basically what is our core jurisdiction. Let’s not try to solve the total 92 <br />legal implications. That’s not the role of the Planning Board. Other agencies may need to be brought in but that is not 93 <br />our role and I think we could get in a quagmire if we try to regulate issues we have little to know knowledge of. 94 <br /> 95 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: I fully agree with that. I think we have done our part as we reviewed the land use and I think we 96 <br />have commented correctly with regard to how critical it is for other agencies to be involved in the process to prevent 97 <br />abuse. 98 <br /> 99 <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: Is the Health Department involved at all? 100 <br /> 101 <br />Ashley Moncado: This still needs to go to peer review. Tonight was just to see what option you wanted to go with and 102 <br />then we will send it back out to our county attorneys. 103 <br /> 104 <br />Peter Hallenbeck: Well the recommendation is simply that we review and comment and I think we’ve done that. 105 <br />People seem to like option B with all the cautions required. 106 <br /> 107 <br /> 6