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a. The 100 ft. perimeter EDD buffer required under Section 6.8.12 (C) (1) of the UDO <br />along the southern property line (i.e. railroad right-of-way) and eastern property <br />line (i.e. Durham County line), and <br />b. A 20 ft. Type A land use buffer along NC 751 in accordance with Section 6.8.12 <br />(C) (13) of the UDO. <br />The aforementioned land use buffers are the same for EDE-1 and EDE-2 zoned <br />property. <br />2. A Planning Board member asked if approval of the rezoning petition grants development <br />rights allowing for the expansion of the existing commercial operation. <br />STAFF COMMENT: As indicated during the public hearing approval of the zoning <br />atlas amendment does not eliminate the applicant’s responsibility to apply for, and <br />obtain, site plan approval and a Zoning Compliance Permit allowing for the expansion <br />of the existing business as required by Section 2.5 of the UDO. <br /> <br />Procedural Information: In accordance with 2.8.8 of the UDO any evidence not presented at the <br />public hearing must be submitted in writing prior to the Planning Board’s recommendation. <br />Additional oral evidence may be considered by the Planning Board only if it is for the purpose of <br />presenting information also submitted in writing. The public hearing is held open to a date <br />certain for the purpose of the BOCC receiving the Planning Board’s recommendation and any <br />submitted written comments. <br /> <br />Planning Director’s Recommendation: The Planning Director recommends approval of <br />proposed Zoning Atlas Amendment application and further recommends approval of the: <br />i. Statement of Consistency, as contained in Attachment 2, indicating the proposed <br />zoning atlas amendment is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the <br />project is reasonable and in the public interest, and <br />ii. Ordinance amending the Orange County Zoning Atlas as contained in Attachment 3. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br />have determined that the approval or denial of the request would not create the need for <br />additional funding for the provision of County services. Costs associated with advertising, <br />including the public hearing notice and mailings, were paid by the applicant in accordance with <br />the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule. <br /> <br />Costs associated with permitting development of any future project shall be paid by the <br />applicant in accordance with the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule (i.e. erosion control, <br />stormwater management, building, zoning, etc.). <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Planning Director recommends the Board: <br />1. Deliberate on the application as necessary, <br />2. Consider the Planning Director’s recommendation, and <br />3. Take action on the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 2) and make a <br />recommendation on the ordinance of approval (Attachment 3) in time for the November <br />5, 2015 BOCC meeting. <br /> <br /> 14