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108 <br />Katherine Ansardi: You are getting into details that I don’t have all the answers to. My understanding is that when 109 <br />someone buys into the coop they have an economic interest in the community that may be passed onto kin after they 110 <br />pass which they can sell. Their heir would not be automatically a member of their coop, but they would have the right 111 <br />to their share to be sold. The cooperative may buy that unit back. 112 <br /> 113 <br />Lisa Stuckey: Our approval doesn’t relate to how they set up their ownership? 114 <br /> 115 <br />Pete Hallenbeck: Our next step is the statement of consistency which does not directly relate to ownership. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Michael Harvey: The ownership model was a concern at the public hearing because Board members wanted 118 <br />information of how this would be set up and the applicant is still figuring that out. They have provided additional 119 <br />information on page 17 and 18. 120 <br /> 121 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the recommendation. 122 <br /> 123 MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to recommend approval of the statement of consistency. Buddy Hartley seconded. 124 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 125 <br /> 126 MOTION made by Lisa Stuckey to approve the ordinance of approval as amended. Laura Nicholson seconded. 127 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 128 <br /> 129 AGENDA ITEM 8: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS 130 A. Board of Adjustment 131 <br /> 132 <br />Michael Harvey: Board of Adjustment has a public hearing on October 12 to review a Class B Special Use Permit for 133 <br />a retreat center. We are not sure we will have a full board anymore or if the applicant may withdraw the application. 134 <br /> 135 B. Orange County Transportation 136 <br />None 137 <br /> 138 AGENDA ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT 139 <br /> 140 <br />Motion to adjourn made by James Lea. Seconded by Tony Blake. 141 ___________________________________________ <br />Pete Hallenbeck, Chair <br /> <br /> <br /> 12